xXWEEBYXx's nice build

Weeby is a member of my building group, he posted this on the wall and I thought I would show it off. Not the most original build, and not quite complete, but he certainly knows what he is doing. I don’t know what his plans are with it, as it is just walls and a floor right now, but there is 90K bricks worth of floor and walls.

Please include screenshots.

Looks nice, but is a 90K Part lag machine. :X

Some screencaps I got from in the game. IMO it seems like a lot of the same patterns just repeated.

Yea, it is mostly repeated, but each repeated part has a lot of detail and everything fits together pretty well.

Recorded a video of the place, it’s in 1080p for yer pleasure.

It does look nice, but the patterns are just the same.

It looks nice,indeed but repeating patterns all over the place(Inspired by other builders) was not good idea.

Originality,creativity,patience,effort <— Things that this place lacks.

Hope my feedback helped! I hope he will build more and get better eventually :slight_smile:

If each brick was painstakingly hand-placed as opposed to just copying and pasting the window then it would be more impressive. Unfortunately it lacks a sort of pizazz or appeal; it’s just a window copy and pasted in a circle.

Lots of repetition, but it is a WIP and I think it has a ton of potential. Thanks for sharing!