Yasaka Jinja Reference Build

I was browsing on Google the other day to find what I can build. I stumbled across this cool looking shrine called the “Yasaka Jinja” in Kyoto, Japan and I was so inspired that I had to build it in roblox.
The work is now complete and I would like some personal feedback from you developers. Of course its not fully accurate, but it was the best I could do

The Real Shrine From Japan

The Shrine I Made



For some reason I feel like it isn’t long enough, try extending it out some. Also try using ShadowMap, it might look a little better.


I totally agree with you. I knew there was something a bit off with the length of the building. Thanks for your feedback! :slight_smile:

I believe the build itself looks good, but you could consider changing the color a little. I feel as if it may be a bit too vivid. Nonetheless, it’s cool!

What is a good color I should opt for?

For the accent colors, you could try choosing a lighter shade. I’m not too sure what would work best, but experiencing with different color combinations might turn out well.

Okay I will change the color tone of the building. Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

It seems very blocky to me, almost like lego. I also suggest using custom textures to make the build more lively.

Other than that, looks pretty good to me :+1:

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If you look at the picture in real life you will see that the roof is bigger than the balcony thing. In your build its not. I think that is the real stand out form the two, otherwise good job!

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