Yellow box around RichText words

Since yesterday, whenever displaying a message with RichText, any word that has different colors has a yellow background on it. This happens for any color. Was there a setting that was changed? It was working perfectly fine for months in all our different experiences.

Expected behavior

There should not be a yellow box around colored words in RichText displays.

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Could you share the rich-text source you’re using for this string? This like there’s a <mark> tag around the word rain. We just added support for this tag, which would make it start rendering now (where it would have been ignored before).

<mark><font color="rgb(255,164,7)">{CurrentEvent}</font></mark> event has started!

Here CurrentEvent is “Rain”.

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Removing the previously mentioned <mark> tags from this string would remove the highlight.

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Confirmed this fixed the issue. Thanks for the help!


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