Yet more GUI scaling issues

Getting back into development. Already not going good so far… :frowning:

I’d like to make a little ImageButton on the lower right hand of my screen (It’s not only that though, this issue is with… every… single… UI element…), but it doesn’t scale correctly with the screen.

Example: (yes I use light mode)

The plugin is AutoScale Lite. No matter how I use it it never seems to work correctly. Any help or suggestions?

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Try changing the anchor point.

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Does the same thing with 0.5 (if I recall correctly those were the correct numbers in the past). Which values should I set?

Seems to be scaling just fine.

What are you trying to accomplish?

I’m guessing you want it to stay the same aspect ratio no matter the resolution. For that you put a UIAspectRatioConstraint in the UI element.

AutoScale lite has a button that makes a UIAspectRatioConstraint at the UI’s current aspect ratio relative to the viewport resolution

same :brofist:

I want the size to stay consistent.

Low resolution immitation:

High resolution:

If you want the size to stay the same no matter the screen resolution then you use offset not scale.

Offset = the number of pixels from the top left corner of the display (x,y)

Scale = offset / viewportsize

Scale scales the UI with the resolution. If you want to keep the aspect ratio when scaling you use UIAspectRatioConstraint

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U can try to auto scale plugin.


did ya see the video?? lol