- These are all the updates regarding Your Generic Fighting Game (YGFG) 2
- If you don’t know what YGFG is, or you haven’t played the first game, YGFG is a game all about fighting and whatnot (obviously from the title)
- The game will get officially published on the 10th of January, 2022.
Version 1
- Game is now officially published.
ALPHA Version 0.01
- Made first game area (residential place, also known as “Generic Town”)
- Created a new currency (Generic Coins)
- Datastore (autosave stats)
SOON: Because we have added currency, we will also obviously add a shop, where you can buy weapons that deal more damage.
BETA v0.2
Version 0.2
- Custom chat.
- Axe (does damage ranging from 5-10).
- Idle and attack animations for the axe.
- First ‘Easter Egg’.
- Generic town is no longer related to the residential area, it is now the full map.
- New area which is called “The Twins”.
- Added a shop (you can currently not buy anything, but there is music playing out of it).
- Game is now in beta stage.
- Blur added for aspect.
BETA v0.3
- Billboards (2)
- Color correction (slightly blue)
- 3 more ‘Easter Eggs’
- Vegetation (trees and rocks)
- Winter season (snow layers and piles of snow)
- Removed reverb from “Totally not a shop”
- Jump power reduced to 20 (default is 50)
- Map as of right now
- Table that is right above the tunnel (there is a lore to this)
- Graffiti on the left side of the tunnel
- The shopkeeper finally afforded a chair