YIAY Live - Roblox || FAQ

Q. What types of answers are not allowed?
A. Joking about controversial topics, attempting to swear, breaking the community guidelines, and more.

Q. Why is the filter strict?
A. This is due to players bypassing the filter, so we had to add more words to stop them.

Q. I got banned, but someone was doing it as well! Does this mean they got banned as well?
A. Most likely, if they got reported.

Q. I got banned, but I thought it was allowed since someone was doing it as well!
A. Just because someone did it does not mean you should too.

Q. What happens if I break multiple rules before I get banned?
A. Your ban will be increased

Q. Why couldn’t I receive a warning instead?
A. We had seen multiple players breaking rules before, and warning all of them isn’t going to basically stop them.

Q. If I get banned, am I a sundae?
A. Yes, so don’t be a sundae (on Roblox).

Q. How do I appeal?
A. DM me on Twitter @Rawblocky


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