'You bought this item on' Date to show when an item was purchased

A simple feature really, a date and time showing when you’ve bought an item (gamepass, shirt, hat, gear etc) this would help greatly in logging your purchases and putting the Data in a graph of your expenses and income. Actually on the item itself (not the sales and purchases page) so you could come back to a hat you’ve bought 4 months ago but forgot to log in your expenses.

(It can be really annoying if you need to check something about a month ago and you have to scroll all the way down a bunch of times on your purchases to find it)

Maybe it won’t work for limiteds (in-case you buy more than one) or it shows something like
‘You bought #3 on <date’
‘You bought #6 on <date’
‘You bought #7 on <date’
And after 3, it deletes the oldest one you bought

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You could always check your transactions tabs.

Yeah but if you wanted to see something about 2 months ago or you buy stuff a lot, really quickly. It can quickly become very hard to find it. :frowning:

