"Your computer's graphics card is not compatible with Roblox's minimum system requirements."

Reproduction Steps

Device specs:
11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-11700F @ 2.50GHz, 16 GB, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070


I opened studio, and got the following error:

Worth noting: Studio was working completely fine this morning, I closed it to leave my desk, came back and was greeted with the above error. I can not open any place file.

Expected Behavior

Studio should open and I should be able to conduct business as usual.

Actual Behavior

I open studio, wait for studio to load. I am greeted with the error above.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-11-07 12:11:00 (-06:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-11-14 14:11:00 (-06:00)


My issues are almost identical to the original poster’s issues.

My specs are: 10th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-10700 @ 2.90GHz, 32 GB RAM, NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3070

Edit: Running on DirectX 12

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what’s your computer’s DirectX version?

Yep, I have the same problem here and I have a Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor @ 4.18GHz, 16 GB, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti. I tried reinstalling Roblox Studio which didn’t help.

However, I did notice that when you change it from Vulkan to Automatic it allowed me to open the place


Somehow after changing it to Automatic everything went back to normal.


Yep, I think that might be a temporary solution until they sort it out.


This does in fact work, thank you!


I have the same problem i have a laptop with an nvidia gtx 1050ti… (never mind i fixed it i changed graphics mode to directx 11)


Hello, we have reverted the flags that caused this. Please try again and let us know if you are still having issues. Thank you and appreciate your feedback.


I suggest you all use something to read the usage of your GPUs! This way you will have a second say in what’s really working and what’s not. I can almost be certain that if you download an application such as MSI Afterburner, set it up to monitor GPU Usage, Framerate, etc. You will know what type of graphics is being used either Open GL, Vulkan, Direct3D11, etc.

I tested this on my main laptop which has a GTX 1650 and a normal laptop that has integrated intel UHD graphics. The normal laptop does not freeze when play testing in my project but BOTH laptops do not display any information about Direct3D11 when it is set as Graphics Mode in Studio. It use to show before Refresh Update

This is what I get now, even when Direct3D11 is set to graphics mode. It will stop showing this data when the actual 3D view of the project is loaded because, my guess is, Direct3D11 isn’t working in Studio because it would look like the second picture where it tells you D3D11 is being used.

Prior Refresh Update when Direct3D11 is set to graphics mode it would show it
maxresdefault (2)

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Thank you for reverting it, Roblox Studio works properly now. :+1:


Ryzen 5800X, RTX 3080, 32GB DDR4 RAM.
Graphics card driver and SteamVR are the latest version.

Some bugs:

  1. I have a Valve Index and whenever I start studio to work on my VR game, this error occurs about 25% of the time whenever I start studio.

  2. Additionally, if I open Roblox Studio in VR, then click Play for Roblox from the website with Roblox studio open, Roblox studio crashes and/or closes. I am unsure if this is intended behavior or not.

  3. I open up Roblox Studio, click Play, everything runs fine. I stop the game, click play again, and it no longer works in VR and displays an error. I would then have to restart Roblox Studio and 25% of the time have to worry about scenario #1 with “you computer’s graphics card is not compatible” error and then restart a second time.

I use MSI Afterburner + Riva Tuner Statistics Server for the on screen display.
Note: this used to display the on screen display on every window, I’m not sure if it still does as I have not needed it in a while

I ran into this error yesterday when opening studio!

For reference, my graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 on a laptop.

Originally my graphics mode was set to Vulkan, but the issue went away when I switched it to Automatic. It may also be worth noting that I was able to load into games just fine, so it definitely seems to be an issue with the Studio client specifically.

I am currently running into this issue too

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This is kind of unrelated but https://www.roblox.com/drivers leads to a 404.


currently running into the same issue. been working on my project for a few hours now and then i tried opening a second instance of studio in order to transfer some assets from one place to another. it always worked before with no issues whatsoever but now my graphics card is not compatible.

i closed my first studio instance which worked fine and upon reopening the application i receive the same pop up.

a day later and nothing changed, im still running into the same pop up notification. i made sure that my graphics card is up to date but it doesn’t seem to have helped.
it started yesterday on November 25

Intel(R) Core™ i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz, 32.0 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M
DirectX 12

I am also having the same problem in Roblox Studio. Additionally, even though I don’t know if this is related, I’d like to mention that Roblox Player doesn’t function and just shows a blank screen.

Roblox should fix this ASAP

EDIT: It turns out that I had to update Windows for the issue to be resolved! If you are a future reader with the same problem, try updating your Operating System.