Stop dragging this on both of you. He has realised what he needs to change and how to somehow understand his mistake.
Agreed with Klysto, I am making a new game. New name and new idea
@DevKeyRBLX We got your opinion 10 times, just please stop carrying it on. Same with you @XxJonnyDaBestxX Just stop posting. Take it to DMs.
Good decision, I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your game on the front page one day. Good luck, and stay safe. (:
I’m sorry if I offended you in any way. I’m just speaking for everyone here, just please stop.
Muted this post because at this point I feel it has just turned into a mess of toxicity. Smart decision making a different game with a different idea and different title though.
Everyone, I have deleted the vaccines, replaced it with fossils and rocks. Everything has no trace of the pandemic, thanks and can we please end this post.
Guys just end the conversation. @XxJonnyDaBestxX made his decision. Leave the topic for god sake. It’s over. And goodluck buddy! Can’t wait to play it!
By the way, was your post about our own unique simulator ideas? What for?
Not sure why you want other peoples’ original ideas of a simulator.
Hey also, Should this be an education game? Just wondering.
Leave me alone for God’s sake. Apparently my honest, unbiased opinion that isn’t offensive like many other people’s in this post is inappropriate and childish?
It was about whats the idea of a futuristic simulator game.
If you keep the theme friendly and intuitive, go for it. Let the community give their opinion on the finished proposal and go from there.
A great sort of fun and amazing game is something involving about fighting or any other sort similar to it. You should make a new topic about your new plans and CLOSE this topic. PLEASE!
Almost at 100 posts on this thread lmao
Nah, I think that an adventure/education game would be better and more original.
educational game is better
(This is basically for everybody, if anybody cares.)
@DevKeyRBLX, @Krunnie, @anross
I was reading through the replies and I was a little baffled by how everybody basically jumped the gun on the interpretation of “vaccine.” Vaccine is not offensive and should not be offensive. There have been games that have featured this so-called, vaccine, such as Deadzone.
Vaccine is just that: a vaccine. It’s a tool, and there’s not much more interpretation to be made by that unless you forcibly connect it with the depiction you’re making. It just seemed like everybody just didn’t read the body post and judged the first sentence, which is a little strange.
If the reason given was: “Roblox’s moderation team would probably classify this as offensive,” that’s valid. You are giving the reason that the moderation team would (probably) falsely classify this material as offensive. It would make sense that they wouldn’t find it campy given their… transparency in moderating history from the past months. It’s valid reasoning.
@ArtFoundation is probably the only person that is spot on with this. There is no direct reference to the pandemic in any way. It just seemed like everybody made that assumption on their own. OP describes the game far more different than the idea you’re thinking and forcibly trying to connect.
As for the feedback: @XxJonnyDaBestxX, your idea doesn’t seem fully fleshed out – it seems all over the place. As @Dev_Ryan points out, simulator games are something you should be straying away from. They have been deemed to be uncreative for the past years or so now, and are prone to give bad rep for anybody new to the developer world or living in it. I would highly recommend reading into the link that he suggested to you.
Thank you, as I said I have changed the game and I have deleted the vaccines so there is no way to get it back (Well technically yes but I will not).