Hey there, as a developer I’ve been working on a new idea for a mountaineering/climbing based game and I was wondering what you all think of the concept as a whole and also what you would like to see integrated within a game like this.
To find out there’s a poll below with some options, if you could pick the one that you resonate the most with or if you want to elaborate below it’d be much appreciated.
Would you like to play a game like this?
- Yes, I’d like to play a climbing game.
- No, I wouldn’t like to play a climbing game.
0 voters
What kind of routes would you like to see?
- I’d like to see one route up a certain mountain
- I’d like to see multiple routes up a mountain
0 voters
Lastly, What kind of mountains would you want to see?
- I’d like to see mountains of all difficulty across the world
- I’d like to see only the most difficult mountains
0 voters
Thanks for answering this, it’ll help greatly with further development with the game, if you want to elaborate and ideas or answers further feel free to comment down below.