YouTube links are broken for Android

Access is denied. Did you give us a link to view it or edit it?

View it, ima change the settings.

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My only contradiction really is just the web browser like behaviour, I can whole heartedly confirm that its essentially just a search engine but inside of the Roblox app instead. I am likely assuming its a feature not programmed by Roblox - who knows.

I was going to post an entertaining video of me going into google and downloading information but Iā€™m not uploading stuff to YouTube at 3am :neutral_face:


Iā€™m doing blue stacks for the test.

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Oh I already did bluestacks lol sorry

its here

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Nmv, I was going to test it but ok.

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I canā€™t reproduce this anymore, it seems to have been fixed. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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