Yuruzuu's Open Source VFX

great visuals he definitely has great understandings of what hes doing… i would hire him no cap!!!

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Thunder Spear is now available for download!
Hope y’all have an amazing day!


Hollow Purple is now available for download!
Hope you all have an amazing day!


Very nice, ended up using some of these in Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition with some modifications for our new update and they’re really great and versatile!

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the code is hard to read… good fx though

Insane OS!

three hundred thousand character moment

Hate to bump this but some of the links were broken but I managed to mirror them from your discord server.

Healing Aura: Healing_Effect.rbxl (47.7 KB)
Thunder Spear: Thunder_Spear.rbxl (77.8 KB)
Hollow Purple: Hollow_Purple.rbxl (43.8 KB)
Arrows: Arrow_Rain.rbxl (46.5 KB)


Some other assets have also went down, I’ve managed to find Lightning Strike via wayback machine:

You could probably try that for the others too

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damn these look amazing, thank you for open sourcing these!
all of the download links seem to not work anymore though?

Yeah refer to weakroblox35’s latest message(just right above your message), he has some rbxl files

You can also get them on the wayback machine(for some of them atleast I think)

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i got every rbxl there is except that orb thing, heres the downloads:
Pyronado.rbxl (130.4 KB)
Lightning_Blade.rbxl (59.0 KB)
Thunder_Spear (1).rbxl (77.8 KB)
Arrow_Rain.rbxl (46.5 KB)
Hollow_Purple.rbxl (43.8 KB)
Healing_Effect.rbxl (47.7 KB)
Lightning_Strike.rbxl (122.0 KB)