Z-index fighting against humanoid

Any part thats up against the humanoid spazzes out like crazy. It shows in the screenshot and it spazzes out majorly as the camera moves. To stop it from doing this, I have to resize the part to be very far away from the humanoid body parts. All 6 of the body parts do this and it affects mesh, parts, and unions.

This didn’t used to be a problem so I’m trying to figure out why it is now?

edit: I also just realized that the zfighting only happens in the direction of the sun so it has to do with the specular I believe. Maybe this should be moved to bug report

You can move it by clicking the pencil icon next to the thread name, and choosing a different category in the category dropdown.

Yeah, I’ve had this happen to me a lot. Not because of armor pieces or anything like that (I normally parent them to the character), but when the character walks up really close to a wall/etc you see that same awkward shadow and it’s really irking.


I am still working on the armor so I hadn’t parented it yet. That fixed the issue.

[(Psst, every bug should be in a sub-category](http://devforum.roblox.com/t/every-bug-should-be-in-a-sub-category/22639; this goes in #bugs-and-exploit-reports:client-bugs)

But yeah, I’ve had this happen to me a great many times whilst working on stuff like helmets.

I use a block mesh for limbs that dynamically resize based on camera distance

Oh, sorry. Thanks for fixing it