ZComando Admin Gui For Game Moderation V1.1

About ZComando

an admin gui that focus in game moderation inspired by Canary Admin and it have a security system if some one that is not an admin he will get kicked from the game

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Commands (More Coming Soon)

Ban(admins cant get banned)
Unban(you can unban people by putting the username)
Kick(kick people from the game)
Warn(warn people)
ShutDown The Server(it will kick everyone from the server)
Srver Message (send a message to everyone in the server)
Message a player(send a message to someone in the server)

How to install


Get the From clicking Here


Open the tool box from the view tab then go to inventory and insert the model to your game


Open the explorer from the view tab
Put whats inside the replicatedstorage in the replicated storage
Pur whats inside the serverscriptservice in the serverscript service
Put whats inside the startergui in the startergui


Go to the relicated storage then ZComandoConfig then settings to change the admin settings


Just a suggestion, Instead of needing to use Usernames to ban / unban people. Make it so you can use there ID To. Just in case people Change there name and now with display names its harder.

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the admin get the player user id from his user name so no need to enter the id

…but… what if the player changes their name right after leaving, or what if they had a display name?

in the roblox searsh system you can get the player from his old username like if my i changed my name to Zinou_Gamer and searshed Zinou_TM i will still apear

and also i think in the newest version i will put a user id unban like u said and also players history for the players that entred the server so u can ban theme even if they left

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