recently I had a shirt which seemed to be moderated recently.
About 2 days ago, I received a letter from Roblox about a refund. I was confused as there was no items taken from my inventory. However, the refund was only for R$0.
And as of today, a shirt I bought was removed. It costed R$5. What should I do? 
Thank you for reading.
I wouldn’t care about R$5. You could literally get those R$5 in a few minutes. You can literally go to any donation game, AFK for 10 minutes and get it…
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This was probably a “Free” UGC Limited & not a “shirt”, so the reason why you got a refund of “0” is cause the original price of the item was “0”.
Hope this helps!
A robux is a robux. And why should I play those type of games?
Hm… you pointed that out. I’m unsure if it’s an UGC because I don’t remember exactly which one. Do they still refund moderated assets?
im 99.9% sure i even can prove it to you with this Screenshot & as you can see there is no way to identify wich item it was so yeah.
it also seems like some items get refunded some not.
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