ZIndex and Rotation property problem on UI's

The title and this image says it all.

If we look at the first frame with rotation 0 the half of the frame is gone, but if we look at the frame2 with rotation 45 the frame is visible how can I fix this?.

Did you enable ClipsDescendants on the parent frame?

Yes of course(30 character idk what else to say).


ClipsDescendants does not work with rotated GUIs. This is mainly a performance limitation.

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Will it be implemented any time soon?

There hasn’t been anything to suggest it will be implemented in the near future because of the performance limitations. This could change since they have redone their UI rendering method to include caching, but it probably will be a while until it happens.

So I should use photoshop for now.

Wait Wait Wait

What is happening here?


The ZIndex of the standing rectangle is higher than the rotated one’s, or the former was placed first over the latter. That’s not new behaviour and happens even without rotation.