Zombie Apocalypse Map

Hi there, my name is Drakoliann, however my alias is Drak.
I’ve recently invested my time into creating an interesting ‘zombie-apocalypse’ themed map.

A rusty old church surrounded by a large forest, gravestones, broken items - all included.
I now do wonder how you appreciate the details or if I am missing anything useful you could recommend?

Map Picture(s)

You can visit my portfolio for more builds and meshes I’ve done in my past or recently. :smile:


You sure love abusing depth of field and textures. In a good way

  • I would change the grass parts into terrain.

  • Some of the brick textures of the wall are vertical instead of horizonal.

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The client requested absolutely no terrain.
Therefore I did not use any, and I decided to improvise by using sphere meshes to create a false illusion of terrain work as we did back in the days.

The brick texture was purposefully done to create another touch, assuming that the construction of the church went through all methods if you understand?

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:joy: You might laugh, but I did this for a single logo from a talented artist. Who’m I consider a friend therefore I decided to just do it for that one logo.
Although if I were to handle a map like this for an actual payment; it would be only $15 USDs.

Why is it just 15 USDs? Because of the fact that it’s just a single baseplate.

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Haha, yes. I’ll show you the logo.


That looks so nice! Who made it? :heart_eyes:

I don’t believe he has a devforum profile or if he does; whether he is active in it or not.
Although his username is WrathgarKaddin.

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Holy cow! This is very realistic! And I love the abandoned type vibe to it! It tops it off! :relieved:

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