Zombie First Person shooter test

im making a zombie game

heres what i have so far

(EDIT: this is a test. I am going to revamp the viewmodels once the game is complete)

edit: game is now public. zombie shooter wip - Roblox

Note: gun has 0 recoil and infinite ammo because my brother and i thought it was funny to mess around with the gun values. Will be changing later


more details

i just added gui. I think the green suits the theme of “zombie shooter.”

i love the classic vibe! keep it up man!


I think the aim thing should be dynamic, meaning it should appear and disappear based on if it’s being used or not.

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could you elaborate on that a bit more? do you mean i should disable the reticle when not aiming?

Yes, it would make it as if it was not part of the gun, almost as if it was a repeated thought of the player.

Woah, thats impressive, in my opinion, accurate gun systems are the hardest to achieve on Roblox and I gotta say, this is neat, smooth recoil, nice and functional animations, just incredible

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