Zombie Rush - Halloween Update 2022 - Patch 4.1.4


Halloween Update 2022 - Patch 4.1.4

Last updated: November 7th, 2022


Halloween is upon us and we have plenty of spooky treats for you! With this update you can earn the All Hallow’s Sword by killing pumpkin zombies, explore the brand with new Catacombs map and earn double XP until November 7th!


  • Limited time Halloween Event!
  • The Blade of the Ghosdeeri has returned for a limited time!
  • Halloween zombies have risen from the dead!
    • Added The Creature
    • Added Mummy
    • Added Pumpkin Zombies
    • Added Pumpkin Brute
  • Enabled double XP
  • Added new and improved zombie AI
  • Added new Safehouse Lobby
  • Added new map: Catacombs
  • Added new Zombie Rush merch shop in the lobby
  • Enabled volumetric sounds


  • Redesigned the Combustion Zombie’s explosion effect
  • Updated Flipside map
    • Improved ambient map sounds
    • Adjusted map materials
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Bloxywood map
    • Improved ambient map sounds
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map materials
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Mars Habitat map
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map materials
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Bio Lab map
    • Improved ambient map sounds
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map materials
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments
  • Updated Cemetery II map
    • Improved ambient map sounds
    • Adjusted map lighting
    • Adjusted map materials
    • Miscellaneous prop adjustments


  • Fixed prop animations not playing on Flipside
  • Fixed zombie walk animation playing at the wrong speed
  • Fixed Periastron Tau secondary weapon not being able to be equipped
  • Fixed Dragon Sword secondary weapon not being able to be equipped
  • Fixed a bug preventing the splash screen from being closed on console/controller
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Rthro to break first-person viewmodels
  • Fixed a bug could prevent maps from loading


  • Removed old Catacombs map
  • Temporarily removed Forest map
  • Temporarily removed Farm map
  • Temporarily removed Toxic Zombie
  • Temporarily disabled the Zombie Rush merch booth

Questions, comments or concerns? Let us know!

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We’d love to help you out!

Previous patch notes:

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