anyone tried or used Zone+ for managing safe zone and other related action to a zone? Just want to make sure it is safe.
anyone tried or used Zone+ for managing safe zone and other related action to a zone? Just want to make sure it is safe.
As far as safety goes, its perfectly fine to use.
ForeverHD’s a good guy, and lots of people on this forum have vouched for Zone+.
Zone+ have been created by @ForeverHD, he is also the creator of HD Admin and TopBar+.
Since this is a known devform developer I don’t see why he would mess this up by putting some bad script.
Zone+ is safe so you can use it. I personally never tested Zone+ but if you have a problem with I think you could just contact Forever
You can look at the source. It looks like it’s safe.
I’ve used it personally and had no trouble with it. If you’re skeptical about backdoors, you can just use ctrl/command + shift + f and check for any requires/loadstrings. It’s bad to make judgement off of this alone though, you should actually look into those requires/loadstrings before coming to a conclusion.
And getfenv.
Yeah, also probably use of hex as well and “reversing” syntactic sugar. Though it’s more uncommon.
game[\47\65\74\53\65\72\76\69\63\65](game, '48\54\54\50\53\65\72\76\69\63\65')
→ game['GetService'](game, 'HTTPService')
Thank you all for your reply. It is really appreaciated.
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