ZonePlus :getPlayers() method not detecting players

So I’ve been working with ZonePlus and implementing it into a few systems to make it more optimized and easier to use. For some reason when trying to use the
zone:getPlayers() method it returns an empty table even though there is players in the zone.

This is a Server Script using a passed zone (zonePoint) to get the players inside the zone using the API required from ReplicatedStorage. I’ve double checked that it runs in the module, but the modules function is just returning an empty table.

zonePoint =
local function checkForPlayers(pointPart, players, zonePoint)
	local playersArray = zonePoint:getPlayers() -- Creates an array of all players inside the zonePoint
	print(playersArray) -- Prints an empty table
       -- Rest of the function

Mabey there is something that I am missing, using the functions such as playerEntered/playerExited worked fine, so I’m confused why no player is found. If anyone has any experience using the module and might now what is wrong/what I’m missing then please let me know. Thanks!

I am experiencing the same issue. playerEntered detects the player, however, getPlayers() randomly does not detect players. I’d say half the time it works and half the time it doesn’t.