ZonePlus Hitbox Problem

Hello, as the title suggests, I am trying to use the ZonePlus module (I’ll link it) and for whatever reason, I made a first hitbox which worked like a charm, but then I tried to redo the exact same method for a second hitbox, utilizing the same properties as the first hitbox, but for whatever reason my hitbox isn’t detecting people. I’ll attach it. I’m not sure if I’m being super stupid or if somethings bugged, but if anybody knows what I’m doing wrong or a fix for the situation, please let me know.

If you took the time to read all this, thank you for your time.

Module: ZonePlus v3.2.0 | Construct dynamic zones and effectively determine players and parts within their boundaries


local Tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
local DomainEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.REvents.DomainExpansion
local InnerVoid = game.ReplicatedStorage.REvents.DomainVoid
local Zone = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Zone)
DomainEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Key)
	if Key == "DomainFinale" then
		local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
		local HumanoidRP = Character.HumanoidRootPart
		local DomainModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.Domain
		local DomainClone = DomainModel:Clone()
		local Plane = DomainClone.Void.VoidPlane
		local Dome = DomainClone.Void.VoidDome
		local Inner = DomainClone.Shells.InnerShell
		local Outer = DomainClone.Shells.OuterShell
		local ExpansionSFX = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.Sounds.FirstDomain.Expanding:Clone()
		local DomainFinish = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.Sounds.FirstDomain.DomainFinish:Clone()
		local DomainEnd = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.Sounds.FirstDomain.DomainEnding:Clone()
		local DomainShatter = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.Sounds.FirstDomain.DomainShatter:Clone()
		local DomainScript = game.ReplicatedStorage.DomainExpansionScript:Clone()
		local RoomSound = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.Sounds.RoomVanish:Clone()
		local OrbSound = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.Sounds.FirstDomain.DomainStarting:Clone()
		local RoomHitbox = game.ReplicatedStorage.Domain.DomainExpansion.RoomHitbox:Clone()
		RoomHitbox.Parent = game.Workspace

		local RoomZone =

			Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
			RoomSound.Parent = game.Workspace.Radio
			RoomSound.Playing = true
			OrbSound.Parent = game.Workspace.Radio
			OrbSound.Playing = true

FYI the position of the hitbox is where it’s meant to be, that’s not a problem.

local RoomZone =

Is this a part?
Region3 and Zoneplus can only make new zones based on this:
It can be any non-basepart instance (such as a Model, Folder, etc)

You could instead do local zone = Zone.fromRegion(cframe, size)
But shoving in the parts (RoomHitbox) cframe and size.

Yea it’s a basepart, it’s just a part, and weirdly enough I made a previous hitbox using a sphere/ball part and that worked fine the first time around but when I tried it here, it didn’t for whatever reason.

yeah you cant use parts it says on the wiki