ZonePlus v3.2.0 | Construct dynamic zones and effectively determine players and parts within their boundaries


I’ve gotten the collisions to work with ZonePlus, now it’s just my implementation of a swimming system in my custom Animate script that I need to fix.

Update, 8/1/2023:

Been testing for more than an hour sifting through the code of the module itself. My issue was that it was checking for a “Head” but my custom character’s head’s name was “head”. Not capitalized. Be sure you change what the code is looking for or you change the head name to “Head”.

I am facing a similar issue, but based on my research, it seems that whenever a part is destroyed within a zone, the zonevolumecustom changes to 256, whereas previously it was in the millions. This behavior seems suspicious.

the Error:


I have a question about ZoneEvents. Is it possible to disconnect these events whenever we no longer need them?

So if I’m running a script similar to this one:

local item = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
zone:onItemEnter(item, function()
    print("The item has entered the zone!"))

But it tracks the humanoid root part of every player in the game, and then a player decides to leave the game, will it be possible to disconnect the event that is tracking it? Or is this done automatically?

Anyone know how to make a Zone created using fromRegion visible?

I’m not seeing a way to do this through the API. I’m going to assume there is no need to, as using onItemEnter isn’t necessarily creating a new event, but adding the given item to a list. When the item is destroyed, it’s automatically removed from the list of items needing to be checked in the zone.

I could be wrong on this tho.

Any help would be appreciated.

Nice work! This is sooo useful, I will use it alot! This must’ve taken a lot of effort and time, well done! Keep up the good work.

I think you would need to create a part with the same size and position and make that part anchored and visible.

Could someone tell me what serious cause of these errors?


Thank you soo much I was thinking about creating something like this last night in the shower

it says the table index is nil on line 68. So the table reference is missing. as if to say it was never added in the first place

Hello everyone,

I’m stucked with an issue on collision (I guess) with ZonePlus. I can’t clearly debug. Everything seems to be normal from the code logic, but actually something triggers multiple times.

I am creating a zone in server script attached to the part, detecting players enetering and exiting:

local Zone = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Zone)
local container = script.Parent
local zone =

local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")

local Open = ServerScriptService.BindableEvents:WaitForChild("Open")
local Close= ServerScriptService.BindableEvents:WaitForChild("Close")

	print(("%s entered the zone!"):format(player.Name))

	print(("%s exited the zone!"):format(player.Name))

The script triggers a bindable event that activates another server script that takes care of handling a timer for the specific user. The problem here is that, I don’t understand why, the while loop seems to be triggered multiple times, athough I can’t clearly intercept multiple fires. The print(“Times”) runs more than once per second. The problem happens when you walk close by the bounds of the zone.

local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local Open = ServerScriptService.BindableEvents:WaitForChild("Open")
local Close = ServerScriptService.BindableEvents:WaitForChild("Close")

local ON = {}

local function processOpenPlayingSessionEvent(player)
	ON[player] = true

	while ON[player] == true do
        -- do stuff while ON

local function processClosePlayingSessionEvent(player)
	ON[player] = false


Can someone please give it a hint? Would be really appreciated. Stucked here for days…

does regions zones can be custom shapes? like the zones can be cylinders or triangular prisms or others.

Might I start by saying I love this API, it has made region-based scripts so much easier for me. But I need help. How can I get the info of the region that a player enters in? I want a gui to display the name of the part that the player enters, as well as being able to get a string within the part’s children. Here’s the snippet of code from my script.

-- Zone Controller
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Zone = require(ReplicatedStorage.Zone)
local ZoneController = require(ReplicatedStorage.Zone.ZoneController)

-- Containers
local AncestorContainer = workspace.EnvironmentTriggers -- Makes up all the regions within the folder

-- Zone Variables
local ZoneVar =
local localPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local playerGui = localPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

ZoneVar.playerEntered:Connect(function(playerWhoEntered) -- Fire script when they enter
	playerGui.RegionGUI.Background.Title.Text = ZoneVar:WaitForChild()
	playerGui.RegionGUI.Background.Subtitle.Text = "Adventure Awaits!"

I have a bug where i’m inside a zone and when i run into random parts inside of that zone then sometimes it registers that i’ve left the zone… does anyone have a fix for this?

Just want to report a bug that occurs when applying using


The player is no longer detected by a zone after applying a new humanoid description to a player.

Is there anyone else experiencing this?

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Pull Request - Update Enum

It’s only me that I’m getting acess denied to get the model or even the public acess game?


anyone else getting Bad Request while trying to get the model?

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If a zone is deleted, will it delete the zone related to it, want to use this for a tycoon, but purchases can be removed so gotta be careful not to cause memory leaks.