ZonePlus v3.2.0 | Construct dynamic zones and effectively determine players and parts within their boundaries

I know this has been brought up before but I couldn’t find any solutions

when a player dies within a zone the localplayerexited (and I’m assuming playerexited too) doesnt fire meaning that all the other zones just stop working (as the game thinks you are still in the zone that you died in), this happens whether or not the player respawns inside a zone

if anyone had a way to stop this from happening I would be very grateful as I dont know how to do it myself

i have solved this issue by putting my script itno startplayerscripts

Was looking for exactly this as I had the same issue, decided to look in the thread, appreciate it. :pray:

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Zone evens dont seem to fire after player dies. My zone script is done in a local script, it works only once, after the player dies it stops working.

is the localscript under starterplayerscripts or startercharacterscripts? try putting it on startercharacterscripts because those reset whenever the player dies.


Are you going to share this ?


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Yes. When it is releasable.


When you get there, do update. Would be happy to contribute to the codebase if you’re looking to open source it. We use zones pretty extensively in our game and have been dealing with a lot of pain points in regards to how ZonePlus works currently

I am currently restructuring a bit of it to make the parallel optional (unfortunately).
Id be happy to have you contribute. @iisato on the other place…

Would appreciate it if there were steps for non-scripters.

Like, where you put the second script not part of the original model - is it attached to the part you name “zone1” in the workspace?

Additionally, I’m skimming through the comments and see there might be bugs? Please advise.

We have introduced ZonePlus in our latest update with 4 zones being used in different places, and it has been a disaster in production. Servers are running slow time to time, and making the game completely unplayable in some circumstances.

Sometimes, external actions can take up to 2 minutes to actually process. For example, a member of our moderation team used the :fly command on Adonis, which took a very very long time until it actually worked. Theres also recordings of vehicles in our game Car Parking Level 7 going into each other, flinging them out of areas etcetera.

Looking at the creator dashboard experience performance showed that RunService.Heartbeat is taking a extremely long time to process (up to 670ms!)

Image of Car Parking Level 7 Server CPU Time

We do not use RunService.Heartbeat in any of our scripts. While we may use RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() or anything else, nothing else directly connects to it except ZonePlus.

The drops to 3ms is the attempt to find the cause of these spikes, restarting servers constantly with new and more patches, with no success. We have only gotten as far to disabling a script that also uses ZonePlus but does not affect player experience which seemed to of improved the stability of our servers.

As shown below, the previous server framerate was usually around 40-58 FPS, however now sits around 6-36 FPS.

I hope this message reaches to Ben or anyone else who can look into this and fix this as soon as possible. We have since rescripted affected services to no longer us ZonePlus for the time being.

This sadly does not seem to be the case seeing how it cannot even handle 4 zones within our game.

I have taken some time to post this message to make sure that it is ACTUALLY ZonePlus causing the server performance downfall. These are the results after removing ZonePlus entirely:


+1 This we used Zone on a daily basis and have to remove it recently as well.


Did it only recently start causing performance issues, out of curiousity?


I think its been like this just never really opened the MicroProfiler or Roblox’s new analytics tool to investigate until now.


any replacement solutions meanwhile?

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I can confirm this, recently one of my games had a huge downgrade in the server physics fps and it was hard to find the problem, it was a line of GetPartBoundsInBox that was used on each Heartbeat. Turns out that when I solve the main problem the Zone plugin started using a lot of memory as well, it uses the same thing that caused problems in my game, which is the use of GetPartBoundsInBox in each Heartbeat.

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@ForeverHD are there plans to solve the recent performance issues? The module has basically become useless as of late, which sucks to see because it used to be extremely useful.

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An item will be automatically untracked if destroyed or has its parent set to nil.

This is so false… I don’t know why or how, but none of the tracked items are being removed from the trackedItems table.


For each player that has visited the game it’s 350~ instances. There are at least 1000 players visiting the server over the course of a day. The server is literally dying from this memory leak.

I merely run a loop with workspace:GetPartInParts() now.
I don’t know if it’s less performant, but there’s definitely no memory leakage now. :ok_hand:t2:

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Until ZonePlus is fixed to be more performant, i have developed my own ZoneController module:

Sample code:

local Players = game:GetService('Players')
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')

local modules = ReplicatedStorage.Modules
local networkEvents = ReplicatedStorage.NetworkEvents
local templates = ReplicatedStorage.Templates

local ZoneController = require(modules.OOP.ZoneController)
local QueryOptions = ZoneController.QueryOptions

local queryOptions =
queryOptions.QueryForPlayers = true
queryOptions.QueryForPartsAndModels = false

local innerSpaceZone =, "InnerSpace", queryOptions)

	player:SetAttribute("IsInInnerSpace", true)

	player:SetAttribute("IsInInnerSpace", false)

It doesnt use any heartbeat connections, just a while loop with a Heartbeat:Wait().
I find that it works really smooth, if anyone is experiencing performance issues using ZonePlus, feel free to use this.

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You should store your LocalScript inside StarterPlayerScripts, that way it doesnt get reset when the character dies.

Hello, how to set the zone in CanQuery = false without breaking the script? (I created a pressure plate that detects the player with a Zone that opens a door) Thanks !