ZonitoVisuals | A Flipbook Previewer & Particle Library Plugin


This post is no longer up to date! The plugin has since been reworked. I plan to redo this post soon.

* Overview

> Get the plugin on the Creator Store for 4.99 <

ZonitoVisuals is a plugin aiming to improve to workflow & efficiency of VFX Artists.
It does this by allowing the user to search through a built-in library of particle textures,
with categories & in-plugin previews for flipbooks.

ZonitoVisuals comes with a starting pack of 550+ textures & flipbooks

(All assets included in the plugin are open-source, contributed willingly or otherwise approved by the original artists, credits are shown in-plugin when possible. All assets are available for publishing, and you will not get into any legal difficulties when using them.)

Plugin Overview (Youtube)
Plugin Showcase (Youtube)

ZonitoVisuals boasts a (currently) 100% positive rep on the Creator Store, with completely positive reviews under the plugin.

* Information

ZonitoVisuals stores its built-in textures in an external database (its a txt file, nothing suspicious), which is why you need to give the plugin Http permissions upon install. You can use the plugin without giving permission, but you won’t be able to access any of the built-in textures.

ZonitoVisuals allows you to import & save your own textures, flipbooks & assets into the library, with fully customizable texture names & categorization. These personal textures are saved in a plugin Settings file, meaning they are completely private and I cannot access them whatsoever.

ZonitoVisuals includes a built-in flipbook previewer capable of playing flipbooks onto the UI through an ImageLabel. You can customize the FPS & Colour of the preview in the Settings tab.

* Notices

As you may notice when first opening the plugin, the button labelled “VFX Presets” does not work.
This is because I have had to remove it temporarily due to some small errors, it will be later improved and fixed before being added back into the plugin.
The VFX Presets tab will allow you to save NumberSequences & ColorSequences for your particles in a categorized & neat manner.

* Plugin Screenshots

* Credits

Majority of scripting done by @ Z0nito / @ Zonit0
UI made by @ yds.wtf
Built-In-Textures made by open-source artists online, Credit is shown in-plugin for textures that have been directly contributed by Artists / willingly added

I took reference / sampled code from a comment I found under a DevForum post a while ago, I haven’t been able to find the original comment yet; but if anyone can track it down for me it would be appreciated + I could credit contribution.
(The code in question is related to the in-UI flipbook previewer, using the Slice property.)


Thanks for making this, it’s been a help with learning VFX! :laughing:

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“Zonito Visuals”, I agree that this plugin is effective for making quick particles although the outcome of using these particles differ.
The quality is different to which is shown and most of the visuals comes from free vfx’s on discord servers such as “RoVFX”

How do I know?
Simple, I was scrolling there and found a majority of which was sold to me for $5.99 USD.

Do I recommend buying?
As a last resort, you can go ahead and buy it. If not, head to a patreon which gives you access to proper, updated visual effects.

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the main usecase of the plugin is storing your own textures, the textures that come with it are just for showcasing… also wym “quality is different” its the exact same textureids, any quality changes are due to your bad specs or misuse

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This is ok but it isn’t very good quality. I recommend going to Roblox VFX discord server and you will get better quality for same price or less. Overall wouldn’t recommend unless you really want to try. Also not that efficient and easy to use and keep texture. Every time I open it, it reset and don’t keep the same texture which is annoying.

What are you referring to when you say “quality”

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Cool but sadly Creator Store purchases are currently not supported in your country

looks good inside the visualizer but inside studio its pixelated

I saw 5 seconds of the yt overview video and I immediately bought it. I can’t wait to try it out. Thank u for this plugin!

The textures that you see in the visualiser are the exact same IDs that you are using in-game, they’re taken from the website in-script and put onto a GUI. It’s not possible for the textures to be lower quality in-game… HOWEVER there are several reasons as to why a particle could be pixelated.

Particles are compressed bitmap images, and thus in high sizes they can start to pixelate and lose “quality”.

Particles also scale with your graphic settings, although I’m unsure if this has anything to do with how the image renders… it’s possible it could have something to do with your graphics settings.

Overall there’s no way that the quality of your VFX is impacted by the plugin, so I’d recommend looking into what’s causing it.

Yeah, there’s not much I can do about that unfortunately. I would sell the plugin file separately, but there aren’t many safe ways to do that. And I’m not sure if that’s against TOS… Roblox really screwed a lot of us over with that update.

I cannot read the text


The UI is rather busy so theres not much I can do to fix this, HOWEVER you can resize the gui manually by holding left click on the bottom right of a frame and moving your mouse

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I like this plugin very much and I am sure it will be of great help to the developers. In addition, I would like to ask, after I bought the plugin, clicking on the plugin did not respond, and even the UI interface did not pop up

The plugin UI is on by default & is located at the bottom-middle of the screen, if you’ve pressed the plugin button in the Toolbar you’ve probably just hidden the UI

Question, will the added decals save within the plugin or on the current game only?

Personal textures are stored as local data in the plugin

Hey I’ve been a big fan of this plugin but upon recently updating it it is now required to grant permission for an Http Request. Simply put myself, and I am sure many others, are not comfortable with granting any kind of plugin HTTP access if its not necessary. If possible could you make it so the plugin still properly functions in the event you deny these requests? I dont see why the plugin would require them so it should be able to function without it.

Thanks in advance! I really enjoy using this plugin so I hope this can get resolved. Also what is the exact purpose of this plugin needing HTTP requests to begin with?

Edit: After seeing a screenshot on this post of the feedback section maybe thats why you make the HTTP requests. If receiving feedback is the sole reason it’d be better (in my opinion) to just leave a textbox with the devforum post as a link like I did with one of my plugins. Here is an example:


That’s a fair question, there are a couple of reasons.

  1. All texture data is stored externally; this means you don’t have to update at all to receive new textures & contributors can easily add to the database themselves

  2. I sell the plugin as a file off-site so that people with certain restrictions can still use the plugin, this means that I have to have an external whitelist to prevent the file from being leaked.

  3. Due to this, all texture data must be stored externally in the event of a leak; that way I can simply move all necessary data to a new website and only update the real files.

  4. As mentioned, yeah there’s a Feedback tab so that also needs HTTP access.

(tldr; Texture database is all external & there are a couple anti-piracy methods in the plugin)

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