Zoom To (F button is not working) .. on Mac

Hi, I’m not sure where to file this. And I probably don’t have access to post a bug report, but I just can’t seem to “Zoom To” a part, in Studio, anymore. This is VERY handy, when I’m building, and its going be be very tedious building a map, without this feature.

I’ve tried scripting the currentcamera position to a part’s position, at the command line, but that doesn’t seem to be work, just as an alternative solution to the problem…

Both F key doens’t work or the menu item


Okay after, wrestling with this issue, I figured out the problem… A week ago, I installed a plugin called “Advanced Camera”, that I found on one of the recent posts here… and that apparently broke the “Zoom To” menu option and F key shortcut, in studio. Disabling the plugin, fixed the problem. whew! I was worried for awhile, as this week I’m building out my map, for a game I’ve spent a lot of time scripting…