Zooming In/Out forced to normal, zooming doesn't seem to work with a trackpad

I am experiencing issues with my scrolling in Roblox games. Basically I have set my scrolling in system preferences to Australian scrolling, which is basically normal scrolling but inverted. Until today Australian scrolling was emulated in Roblox games for both my mouse and trackpad, and after downloading the most recent update for Roblox I have found out that my zooming no longer works how it used to, and zooming as a whole with the trackpad seems to be impossible. I am thankful that this isn’t occurring in Roblox Studio, as that would hinder my work process greatly.

I’m on a Macbook Pro(Mid 2014) version 10.36.6. This bug as far as I’m aware occurs for all MacOS (and maybe windowsOS) users that have their scrolling set to inverted, and it happens at all times.

This bug only happens in actual games, not Roblox Studio gametests, or anything else, although it could occur in gametests if for some reason my Roblox Studio didn’t auto update.

Finally, if anybody reading this knows this bug, why it’s happening, or how to fix it, please say so.


Thanks for the report–we’re currently forcing zoom direction for accessibility reasons. If your mouse wheel is going towards your monitor, you generally expect the camera to go towards your character.

Inversion setting for scrolling frames (two-finger pan) should be respected, however (it’s currently not). A patch should be out in the coming weeks.


I knew I wasn’t crazy! Thanks for the awareness, hope the patch is out soon :relaxed:

It has been 2 weeks and I am hoping the update would come as soon as possible. The downside to this is that after it switches back, I would have to readapt to the “inverted” scrolling. Scrolling frames are also inverted and it is reckless to neglect that other applications like browsers would still have the inverted scrolling which makes some games very confusing. Personally, a warning or an option to switch it off would have been more responsible since this is a pretty game-changing update that affects all mac users in the game. I have actually never experimented with this, but would it not make more sense to do the same thing on Roblox Studio from the perspective of the staff, who expects this update to be respected?

With 2-finger trackpad scrolling also being changed to camera panning, again, an option to switch that off would be more reliable. Camera zooming has been slowed down by a huge factor, and since there is no option to change that, it also hinders gameplay.

Roblox should provide a warning and an option to “revert” the update. The fact that a “patch” has to come in weeks for something that seems so urgent just feels irresponsible. I honestly do hope that there will be a different and a not-so-sudden approach to updates in the future.


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