Zymenio's Portfolio

My name is Zymenio, I am an experienced developer on the platform. I’ve been building for past the past 3 years, and I’ve been modeling for 1 year. This page is going to be used to showcase my creations that I have made throughout my journey.

You can see my past work here!

BTOOLS Creations


Recent Projects


I am available to work up to 2 - 3 hours during weekends.
During weekdays it shortens to to 1 - 2 hours.

:round_pushpin:If there is a situation, whether I’m planning on going to a vacation, or due to unfortunate events, you will be informed beforehand.


Prices are negotiable. I only accept Robux.
The prices may vary, due to the fact that I create my own assets.


You can contact me through Discord,

This should be on the Talent Hub This category is for feedback on your creations.

Yeah… But please don’t just flag the guy. Please can someone just move his category?

He should move this to #bulletin-board and

Its mainly a dead place with people who offer 0.1 robux for an entire game.

@Zymenio I suggest you change the topic to #bulletin-board or use carrd for your portfolio needs

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