Normal mapping

Any chance we could ever get normal mapping? Allowing Roboxians to add there own materials would open the gate for so much good content.

I’ll add the difference between a flat texture and a normal mapped one in a bit.

This has a specularity map also, but look how good the texture looks;


I was just thinking about this after being disappointed by the flatness of my brick texture, but of course I wasn’t going go and actually use that many parts.

So yes, I would love this. I don’t see much of a reason not too, it would just make textures useful for making stuff actually look nice. I might be able to get more creative with the shading, but still not the same.


No one else would like this?

I would like this, I already made a thread about it but it didn’t go anywhere.

I’ll have people bump this until an admin tells us why this would be a bad feature to add. :slight_smile:

Complete support. I’m pretty sure default materials have some form of this, which just makes them extremely out of place since users can’t come close to it.

This is something I and everyone else have been wanting for ages

I’m not too interested to be honest.

Why’s that?

@Games, Stealth, and Super: Thank You button exists for a reason. If you support the OP, thank it.

I always forget it exists, not even kidding

Honestly there are a lot of cases in roblox in which the developers hardcoded a bunch of constants for us to use instead of giving us a system with which we could have created them ourselves. Like the wierd purple to blue to orange mornings in the lighting, or the fact that we can’t customize the sun or the moon. This would be fantastic, but there might be some flaws with the rendering engine, that’s the only conflict I can see them bringing up.

I’d rather see DL light interact with materials before custom ones. There are issues with materials where the texture is created only by the bump map (looking at you, slate) and in caves and such the rocks look particularly unlike how they do in sunlight.

Kind of have to agree here.
Ever since dynamic lighting was released something that kind of killed the “lights” part of it to me was that the lights don’t cast a specular highlight. Though I’m not sure how hard it could hit performance to make them do so or if it’s even very possible with the method they use.

Unfortunately it’s not really possible to do this, at least in the conventional way, with the Voxel lighting approach that we use. We have lit volumes, but I don’t think there is any particular “direction” that the light is coming from with the voxel lighting, which is what specular lighting / bump maps are based off of.

I don’t know that much about the details, and there might be some ways to hack it in, but it doesn’t seem very compatible with the current system.

Okay forget the lighting, what about just the normal maping?

It is actually possible and on the roadmap (among other things, so not sure when we’ll get to it).

Custom normal maps, on the other hand, are not.

What isn’t it zeuxcg? I think it’s a good feature.

Custom normal maps, on the other hand, are not [on the roadmap].

I read it correctly… I want to know why they don’t think it should be.