Material Scaling/Custom

So I’ve seen some requests about material scaling but not so much on combining it with custom materials. I don’t want to upscale material (mostly because it’d be fuzzy, or just really expensive). What I do want to do, though, is downscaling. If I could set the scale to like 0.1 or something then gun camos like this could be a real possibility. Normally it’d just go into game files and get the repeating textures, but those don’t have specular mapping :frowning:

Please let me know if you support this by voting in the poll/replying. I don’t think the admins take these suggestions seriously if nobody responds to it.

  • Add texture scaling/custom texture support
  • Don’t care
  • Don’t add texture scaling/custom texture support

0 voters


Every step towards extra customization can only help developers. I see this as a useful feature because actually loading those textures on your own and scaling them (The alternative to this) just isn’t as precise as this could be.


That and textures don’t have spec(tac)ular mapping.


You really like that gun… I would love it if we could UV map unions, It would make life so much easier for weapon skins.

Current UV’s for CSG objects would be an absolute nightmare, have you seen the triangles? That’s probably one of the major reasons there isn’t a feature like that…

I’m not sure why you are insisting on specular maps of all things, you know that would be pretty useless on it’s own right?

Not from what I know. All you need to do is put the specular map on the object and into the system.

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Nah, ain’t that bad, Fallout NV’s Nuka Cola Machine is a lot worst, the texture is split up into 24 different areas and the UV edge marking doesn’t carry over in a .obj format, which makes it pretty annoying to apply texture to in Blender. But yeah, triangles, r skari but they aren’t that bad, I mean as the picture above shows proper uv mapping… Currently CSG does something similar to box mapping, but regardless of that, it has UV mapping already (else the textures dunt know where 2 go) and just being able to get that to use for making a retexture/mesh texture would be awesome alone. Usecases? Think about it, you’re going to find a lot more then you can type.

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The thing you posted is using quads, not triangles… Which makes it much easier. (By the way… that’s not great topology) and the UV maps could use work, lots of seams. Check out this thread and take a look.

I would like UV mapping, I’m not saying it shouldn’t be a thing, but there are some serious optimizations needed before that is a priority.

Do you know what a specular map is? You use them in conjunction with something like a bump, normal, diffuse etc (Like ROBLOX materials do) just a specular on it’s own would have little effect and wouldn’t get whatever it is you’re trying to achieve. Basically, we need shaders.

Whatever it is, GIVE IT TO ME PLEASE


Ya i know its not, newbie here at skinning! @ScriptOn in order for that to happen we’re gonna need UV maps first, once we got UV mapping then man oh man it would be fluffing awesome to get normal/bump mapping next! Specular mapping would be cool but not as useful as bump mapping. IMO

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This is the type of stuff that locks us into the roblox aesthetic, which Roblox themselves mentioned in the blog they don’t want. When they mentioned the Disney world game they said they don’t want each roblox game to look similar. I think that this is one of those things that makes all of our games look similar in one way or another.

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Is normal mapping considerd yet?

Into the normal map abyss this thread goes.

Seriously, this would be an immensely useful feature.

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I’m not letting this one die :wink:

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This should totally be added it would be awesome for guns and smaller detailed stuff.


Could you imagine the detail a CSG’d car could have?

Or the cool skins we can put on things without having to use excess parts :smiley:

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I think this could definitely be beneficial!

This is still important.


Support. I always thought that the “Brick” texture was somewhat small, I feel restricted only being able to use the same small brick texture for anything that uses brick as the texture, not all the time do we want small bricks, since they do come in various different shapes and sizes.


I think we need recolorable SurfaceAppearance textures and texture overlays, and maybe a way to apply a PBR texture as if it were a material with scaling options; This could be be implemented using a class that inherits SurfaceAppearance, similar to how the Texture class inherits Decal. I’m all for keeping BaseParts lightweight, so I’m not sure about adding built-in material settings. Every property added to BasePart has the potential to bloat all games that don’t use it.

We seriously need SurfaceAppearance recoloring/tinting to even achieve reasonably inclusive skin tones for PBR characters. No I do not want their skin to be made of plastic. I also need recolorable texture overlays to enable the level of customization players want, preferably with PBR support. It’s very frustrating that decals come so close to what I need, but don’t respect a skinned MeshPart’s uv layout; With SpecialMeshes I could slap a decal on the part and have recolorable face paint customization implemented, but SpecialMeshes don’t support skinning or PBR.