“Egg Hunt” 2021 Metaverse Event Opportunity!

They did not say they were working on the Egg Hunt, it is just a project. :man_facepalming:


I am excited! Give it all your best! I love to see more developer exposed events and oppurtunities! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Applied twice because I added support for other devices after my application :sweat_smile:

Will you guys just ignore the first one?

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I always loved the egg hunt event but I really don’t think putting the eggs in random games is the best way to go around it. I understand that the reason why ROBLOX hides the eggs in random games is to help players find new and interesting games, but it ends up just being a chore and players don’t usually ever play any event games after the egg hunt. Hiding the eggs in random games is also much more confusing and much less fun because you need to learn new game mechanics every time you want you want to get an egg.

In my opinion the 2018 egg hunt shows how an egg hunt should be made. You get to explore many worlds, meet charming characters, do fun quests, etc. Although I understand how difficult it is to make an egg hunt like that as it takes up time and resources, but the payoff is quite huge; Not only did many people love the event but many small yet talented developers get a lot of recognition for participating in the development.

Either way wether you do a “Metaverse” type egg hunt or a charming “hub” type egg hunt it can’t possibly be so rushed, unorganized, and mismanaged to the point where star creators where selling their eggs for subscribers, and game developers where selling game passes for increased luck in getting their games egg.


You have up until January 8th, At least you caught it a few weeks earlier than later.


I agree with that. I found it lame that I got the eggs in like 2 days and then I never touched some of those games again. What I want to see is that the eggs aren’t rigged, they fit the theme and they aren’t a chore to get.


There isn’t a piece of given information that states popularity being a requirement from this topic. I don’t know where to infer. Are you sure about that?


Really? People have made it clear that nobody likes these. You guys tried this style of egg hunt 3 times in the past, all of which met by out lash. It’s not like it’s giving the developers any positive recognition either. Not even joking, the like-to-dislike ratio on most of those games this year (and last year too) were abysmal. Why not just have a team work on a solo project like what’s been happening in 2018 and 2017? Does it really have to be stretched out among other games? Stop trying to over complicate and make a chore out of an egg hunt. Even though the idea sounds nice at a glance, it has been executed poorly. Hate and negative criticism should not be used as a motivating factor to do these again.


my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


As a solo dev on the game I’m currently working on a lot of the comments on this forum are hate. Now I understand 90% of them from personal experience. I’d love some feedback on what you would like to see compared to what you don’t want to see in my game If it does get accepted.

What you expect
  • Include a Hub to easily access all games
  • Fit the theme chosen in the Egg Hunt
  • Make it fair and simple to users
  • Make game accessible on all platforms
  • Don’t make it such a chore to win the egg


What I plan on doing for my game
  • I personally plan on making a private hub for all users to Join the games easily. It will show which eggs you have already collected and have not collected.
  • My game supports Mobile, Tablet, Xbox and PC
  • Its user friendly.
  • It includes several realms so the Egg hunt map will be on its separate map.
  • You will have to collect several eggs to collect the core egg (You will not have to collect them in order and if you collect one it will not disappear on your friends screen)
  • It will support most languages (Only supports English currently)
  • Does not support Rthro characters (I made custom character models in blender)
  • The expected duration on my game should take you roughly 10 - 15 minutes, Maybe faster.

If you have any suggestions or what I should do differently make sure to reply so I see it.


100% support on that one. It’s sad though that users have to make fan made hubs honestly.


When you did this in 2019 it was a cool and unique idea. Why do you have to do the exact same thing three times in a row? You get criticized every year for doing these multiverse egg hunts but you don’t seem to care???


Really… why another dev hunt guys im suprised you did not get the message of how people Hated those dev hunts before. If you literally ask any person on the devforum if they prefer yolktales over 2020 and probably 97% of the people who responded said no. With egg hunt 2019 it was like “wow this is something new but at least it still has the hub and the boss battle at the end” then 2020 was like “oh… its like 2019 but with even less stuff then before and no hub and boss battles, plus the egg kinda suck as well” so im not very hopeful about this next egg hunt
Edit: also if you think this is helping games grow, its not. You guys always choose the games with tons of people who played them like adopt me and choose those ones as the ones that get the eggs. literally more then half of the games you choose have 500+ players in their game regularly. One more thing, these games are not even fun. Usually in game egg hunts you guys do things like obbys or mini games but in the devhunts usually in the simulator type games all you do are just chores To get the eggs and it makes the egg hunt completely boring. You guys still have a few months to change things around before you create the egg hunt so please for the sake of everybody dont make this another dev hunt


I’ve been/experienced every egg hunt since 2013, and this is hugely disappointing. Obviously, there is the idea of money and the act of running a huge business behind this decision. But, I feel, since the rapid phases of modernization during 2015-2020, Roblox has become less and less player oriented and more developer oriented. I get it, they’re a business, and businesses have to make money. The only way to do this is to promote big developers and their games, which bring revenue for both parties involved. However, how long until content creators start revolting against this? What about developers themselves? This is an unsustainable option for a yearly event, and, as I’ve witnessed, has been showing an increasingly negative response even from major developers since 2019.

Like I said, I understand the concept of business and how these devhunts benefit developers (sorta) and Roblox themselves, but you’re cutting the forest down without planting new trees. You aren’t doing anything to convince players that devhunts are actually fun. Especially with the abysmal performance and presentation of Egg Hunt 2020, you aren’t changing anybody’s mind. As I said earlier, how long until the cornerstones of the community (general players, content creators, and developers) turn on this idea and completely disavow it as an actual event?

I believe Roblox is making a grave mistake here, as all it takes for this Egg Hunt to be horribly unsuccessful is for content creators to completely ignore the event and tell their audiences not to support it. If/when this will happen, I’m not sure. But with Kreek having a large amount of animosity towards the event, all it takes is for him to completely disown the event, convincing a large amount of his fanbase to not even try the event. Kids love free hats, but they love their favorite creators more.

A lot of this is obviously speculation, but I feel these devhunts will end up coming back to bite Roblox. Not necessarily this year, but they need to change. Unless Egg Hunt 2021 has a miraculous new feature that combines a devhunt with a traditional egg hunt, this year will only see further animosity towards developers and Roblox themselves.


Heres the problem, Roblox is not going to help games grow. They will only choose the ones with 500+ members to be the ones in their egg hunt. Thats why the games you see on the egg hunt are the ones like adopt me, mad city, exc.


rthro is a thing that lets you scale your character better and you can change it to rthro settings in your game settings but when most people hear rthro they think of those terrible “realistic” avatars that roblox puts on all their promotional artwork


IKR last egg hunt there was a game (I’m not going to name it) that how you got it’s egg was literally walking around a map collecting eggs and didn’t have anything to do with the game’s theme or the egg hunt theme.


Yeah its so annoying. Mostly it was the simulators that had the chores going but pretty much 70% of the whole egg hunt just ended up being those boring chores. Also sorry to say names but are you talking about egg simulator?


Wow thats pretty depressing that even Kreekcraft said he will stop playing the Dev hunts and they are still trying to make more of them. I honestly dont understand what Roblox was thinking about planning another one of these Dev hunts


This message is pretty depressing for the people who got excited by fifteams message the and the good folk group earlier this year. All we can hope is that this is a troll and the real game is being created by fifteam. It would suck for roblox if roblox’s most famous streamers decided not to play the egg hunts so I dont even understand why they would think to make this.