“Egg Hunt” 2021 Metaverse Event Opportunity!

Don’t cancel it. Just make it fun.


Agree. If its too late to make it a game just please make it 2019’s egg hunt with the hub and bosses. Also please have better egg designs next year as well. Im not sure if the eggs on that hunt were developer designed but some of them were SO bad. I have hope for next years event and so please don’t ruin it like egg hunt 2020. And also if you are unable to make 2021’s egg hunt into a game please do it for 2022


I had accidentally put no for rthro, is there any way I can change this?

I think this is a fine way to do it; more events like Ready Player One/Two and RB Battles Season 2 throughout the year would be nice. Moreso like Ready Player Two in my opinion; a small hub that helps with the event, but doesn’t add on any extra nonsense. I’ll be honest, I didn’t bother with Ready Player One but from my friends who did I heard many complaints about the obby at the end. RB Battles was so close to being incredible but the Finale was long, tedious, and a rather buggy mess. Aside from slight issues granting the items, the Ready Player Two hub was perfectly fine. It was a nice way to get to all the games (after the relics were brought back, of course) and was a nice little place to even just hang out. Smaller events throughout the year would benefit from this format, as they could be much easier to handle especially with lower numbers.

Let’s say there was a Summer 2021 Treasure Hunt event. The hub world is a pirate ship with doors that teleport to the places. These could be triggered the same way the relics triggred RPT portals, or they could just be open/open at a certain pace. There could be a Captain’s Quarters room at the end where you bring all of the treasures for a grand prize. Perhaps there could be a decent number of treasures, say ten to twenty with some being in bigger games and some being in lesser known games. Egg Hunt could be a single place again, devs would have their time to shine, and everyone’s happy as more events are happening.

The more I think about it, while I am genuinely excited for Egg Hunt 2021 and seeing where Metaverse events go next, I’d love a more traditional hunt again even more. Although, arguably, you could say that joining various games is closer to the original egg drops. Haha. Jokes aside, I think that there could be a balance struck between Metaverse events and fully original events. Sorry for going off on a bit of a tangent, I tend to write in more detail about some things then I leave the post for a day or two and finish it. My point was more just a constructive idea about how more Metaverse events could be fit in without a sponsor such as Ready Player Two, allowing for a hunt such as Great Yolktales instead.


I am truly disappointed as well personally I think that they should at least have a hub like 2019, I joined in 2019 and what I’ve heard about all the egg hunts 2018 is among the best ones and I’m sure it would’ve been my favourite too, I hope Roblox doesn’t rush it like last year and they try to take some criticism from the roblox community

What I have heard is that 2018 were among the best and people were happy that 2019 at least had a hub and a storyline but personally 2020 felt rushed I don’t know why they don’t just listen to us and change up the way they do the egg hunts. The only thing I enjoyed about the 2020 egg hunt was that it was big and I had something to try and get and it was really fun but there were these super hard ones to get and there was no hub or storyline for 2020 dev hunt I really hope they take some criticism from the community.


I really hope that they do take all this criticism this year or next year and improve they egg hunts if they just listened the egg hunts would’ve been soooo much better…


Yeah I sure hope they will listen to us. Seeing that they responded to some comments lower down the thread i really hope that they are reading what we are trying to say. And if they are I sure hope that this year they will decide to listen to us


Yup I sure do hope they listen it would be so much better for everyone if they listen everyone would be happy!


I did like Dev Hunt 2020 because it just helped me pass time but the only downside was there was no hub, no storyline and some of the eggs were really hard to get…

Yeah it was fun if you were bored but that was it. Everything else about the 2020 egg hunt was super bad. But the great Yolktales when i played it was super enjoyable. Unfortunately I did not play egg hunt 2018 when it was out because I did not understand the egg hunts till egg hunt 2019. I played Yolktales after egg hunt 2019 and it was So much fun. Just gotta hope that 2022 wont be a dev hunt.


Me too I forgot my old roblox account… but 2018 must’ve been really good because of the way people boast about it unfortunately I couldn’t do as well as 2019 but I’ve seen my friend play it but I totally agree that 2020 devhunt was super boring because there was no storyline to begin with… Also I’m fairly certain 2021 is a devhunt…


Oh okay you meant 2022, I sure hope that they do realise that most of the roblox community like having a hub and good storyline and that they don’t really like 2020 devhunts much…


Yeah I really hope that the Roblox staff reads these messages because these Devhunts have been a thing annoying people for more then a year. Perhaps this could be a troll like last year but you can never be sure. I hope there is still time to work on the game if they are deciding to change their plans. Also there is still the good folk group and odd things like that that are being made. But of course this is Roblox and unless the Roblox Staff can confirm this is not a troll Im not gonna be completely sure


If this is a troll and it isn’t a devhunt I’m gonna be happy because I didn’t really like 2020 devhunt… yeah sure some eggs were cool and all but was it really worth it… Some eggs were so boring to get especially the simulators I was going to quit the simulators because of how boring they were but I wanted the FaberEgg so I did it…


This is probably my last message I just wanted to say that I have hope for this next egg hunt. Also as soon as you guys can please give us more details about this devhunt and if it is a devhunt. Of course like most people here i will obviously prefer a game egg hunt over these devhunts but for this year I will deal with it again. Of course if you can or are making it a game and not a Devhunt please tell me because I really want to know. Obviously I cant do much to stop you guys from making a Devhunt and I just want to say, please make it good


I hope that they do listen but as you said this isn’t our decision it’s theirs and there’s not much we can do but I hope that they do listen anyways this is probably my message too have a great day!


How about instead of asking us vague questions about our game that you’re obviously going to use to filter out surveys with problematic answers you give us a list of requirements so we don’t have to wait to be disappointed.


I have a question. Will it still be counted into the egg hunt If I make an easter-like game today until the deadline? I’ve love to join the egg hunt opportunity.

I wouldn’t say 2020 was rushed; I’d just say they cut corners in the sense of no hub and (most likely) gave devs too much freedom over their involvement with the event. Not to blame the devs; but it’s possible there wasn’t much direction beyond “make this egg obtainable.” That would explain the complete lack of theming, as I don’t think a single game had to do with the “Agents” theme. Without being involved one can only assume, but at the very least I’m holding out hope that despite being Metaverse there was learning from Agents of E.G.G.