“Egg Hunt” 2021 Metaverse Event Opportunity!

If compared to 2018 and 2019 it felt rushed because of no proper storyline and as you said no hub…


please just make some sort of hub or lobby so we can be able to choose games faster.

IMO I didn’t really like 2018 compared to its predecessor, egg hunt 2017.
That was a good game, EBR did a great job on it and I’d love to see a similar one again.

Welp, finally became devforum member. Time to give my thoughts on Egg Hunt 2021!

I sort of consider myself an egg hunt expert. I’ve played them since 2014, and started collecting every egg since 2015. Wish I could’ve been around for earlier egg hunts (I joined about 2 months after Egg Hunt 2013) but I’ve played the previous egg hunts/drops in user-made remakes.

A lot of people dislike the devhunt/metaverse format of events when it comes to the annual egg hunt events (2015/2019/2020), and I definitely prefer the egg hunts being in single games.

HOWEVER , I’m not going to blindly hate on this event when we haven’t even seen what it could be like. I believe devhunts have a TON of potential and Roblox/developers could make this event pretty good!

I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to Roblox making events or developers adding egg hunt quests into their game. However, I definitely know what the community want when it comes to the egg hunts. I wanted to list out some things that Roblox AND the developers can do to make this event fun. These are all just from the top of my head.

What Roblox can do to make this egg hunt great:

-Make a hub-world for the egg hunt

Egg Hunt 2019 had an official hub made by a group of developers for the event. I honestly thought it was pretty good! I very much appreciated all the things to do in the hub. (The Marvel eggs, the special challenges you gained access to after getting enough eggs, the sort-of story going on, the final boss battle, etc.) If Roblox could hire another group of developers to make a hub and actually have stuff in it you can do to get eggs, it would overall make the event flow a lot better instead of randomly picking from 50 games on a webpage.

-Have a theme and make it actually matter (very related to previous point)

Remember how Egg Hunt 2020 had a special agent/spy theme? Me neither, because none of the games had the theme involved whatsoever! If Roblox had a hub for this egg hunt, they could make the theme actually matter! Think of Egg Hunt 2020. What if there was a hub and it could’ve been related to the agents/spies theme. The hub could’ve been some sort of agency HQ where all the players could gather to become the agents with teleporters to all the different games. There could be challenges sort of like the eggs from the 2019 hub that could be related to the theme, a final boss related to theme. The 2020 fabergé egg was given out just on the website after around a month if you got all the eggs. The 2019 fabergé egg was given out instantly if you beat the boss from the hub.

-Choose games to be in the event that are on ALL platforms.

A major problem in Egg Hunt 2020 was that some of the games chosen weren’t available on every platform. Games such as Tiny Tanks weren’t mobile compatible, if you joined on mobile all you had to do was press a button and you were immediately rewarded the egg compared to having to deal with RNG on PC (more on that later!). A very good solution to this if your game ISN’T mobile/console compatible is to make a different game just for the egg hunt quest so everyone can do it. A game that did this right was The Wild West that made a separate game for mobile users to do the obby. Huge shoutouts to Starboard Studios for doing that instead of just making mobile users tap a button to get it. Every game chosen should be compatible with every platform and if it’s not, take a note from The Wild West and make an alternative that isn’t as simple as tapping a button.

-Choose less games in general

50 games is… a lot. Especially if all of those games only contain a single egg. It’s very overwhelming to both old users and newer users when all you have to go by is an event page on the website and a gear. I look back on Egg Hunt 2015 and semi-praise it for only containing 3 games but had a decent amount of eggs in those 3 games. Obviously 3 games was the norm for the monthly events back then, but still. If Roblox could choose a smaller number of games and perhaps have multiple eggs (3-5?) in each of the games, I believe it would be a lot less annoying than having to hop between 50 games for 1 egg each.

What developers can do to make this egg hunt great:

-Make the quest related to the theme.

If this years egg hunt has a theme like 2020, include it in your game! Every game could have the quest be related to the theme, or some sort of npc you can talk to related to the quest. Egg Hunt 2020 could’ve had some sort of agent in every game that could lead you in the right direction to getting the egg. (Idea from tommybfunkey)

-Make the quest good

PLEASE do not make the quest drag on for too long or be overly boring. No one wants to walk around for an hour doing chores to get the egg. The quest has to be engaging and fun! If your quest is good, the players could actually like your game and continue to play it after the event is over. PLEASE. Do not make your game include RNG for the event and then make a gamepass to reduce the amount of RNG needed. You shouldn’t be trying to directly monetize the egg hunt in general. You don’t want your game to get dislike bombed because of the event.

-Make your game compatible with all platforms

This fault isn’t JUST on Roblox. This is actually mostly on the developers! You shouldn’t be submitting your game unless it’s compatible with mobile/console as well. I’m not saying you CAN’T submit your game, you could definitely work on making it compatible within the next few months before the egg hunt actually begins. If I recall, mobile has the biggest userbase on Roblox. The games should definitely be compatible for the egg hunt! If you know you can’t make your game compatible, make an alternative! The Wild West did this by porting over the obby for the egg hunt on mobile! That is a whole lot better than just tapping a button.

-Don’t release a buggy mess

Thoroughly test your game to make sure the quests WORK as intended, every game should have a solid QA team to make sure that it’s both fun and limit as many bugs as possible. I remember that every Egg Hunt 2020 game released their eggs before the event was even intended to start. I ‘beat’ the egg hunt before it even properly began. This was apparently because they wanted a stress test, however I feel like that isn’t just the way to do it. This made people dislike the event even more. Make sure the games release on time with the event with as little bugs as possible. Of course there are still going to be bugs, there always will be. Just try to limit them so it doesn’t give the public a bad taste of the game and the entire event.

That’s about it from the top of my head, I don’t know if any Roblox staff or developers will look into this, but I hope they do. I hope they learned from last year and try to make this years egg hunt as good as it can be. Of course people will still complain that it isn’t like 2017/2018, but I’m unsure if we will ever get another egg hunt like those 2, and of course I still prefer the egg hunts being in a single game. However if it’s going to be devhunts from now on, make them enjoyable!

No matter what happens, I’ll always love the egg hunts. Thanks for reading all the way through or if you just scrolled past it. Here’s to hoping that this years egg hunt is great!


As a dev, I consider all of your advices well explained. They are good explained and that will help a lot of the devs that gonna apply to Egg Hunt 2021 as also myself.

Like 2 weeks ago I started really deving daily on a game that we want to apply to Egg Hunt 2021, we worked straight even during Christmas or now New Year, because we want to release only the best experience for all the players and we have also readed many Tweets and Comments about the Egg Hunt 2020, so we don’t do all these mistakes and that we can deliver only the best for all the Hunters in Roblox. Hopefully getting accepted, but gonna be hard since of many other better developers on the platform also competing.

Wish you also a Happy New Year and I hope all your goals/achievements come true this year.

Enjoy your morning/noon/night!



you could improve the egg hunt by putting just a little bit more difficulty when you get the eggs because the one in 2020 was very easy to get the eggs and also leave more ways and more cool the missions to get the eggs

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I understand that promoting developers’ games is the core of these new Egg Hunts. However, many issues arise when you look into the crux of the event. As it stands now, the format is… well… not very appealing. So, I’ve quickly thought of a sort of revamp for the format. Let me explain.

This year, there was no hub world, meaning you had to look for the games yourself. This inadvertently deterred many players from participating, as a hub world stitching the event together is essential. However, even the 2019 hub felt lackluster. Here’s how I would fix it.
Basically, it’s a mix of the 2019 format, as well as the 2018 format. There would be multiple worlds, with portals interspersed within them. When entering these portals, you’d be greeted with a minigame of sorts. This minigame would be made by a developer of the game you wanna promote. The minigame would give you a taste of what the full game is like (example: if the game was Jailbreak, it would make you do a heist devised specifically for the event or something along those lines without teleporting you to the actual Jailbreak game). The only downside of this is that the developers would have to make a new place for the minigame so that the portal takes you to the mini version and not the full game. However, making the minigames feel smaller would reduce the feeling of the event being too big or bloated.

I understand that at this point, it’s too late to revamp the format. It’s just something to consider for the following years. The system is in desperate need of a change.


“No Different” You want it to be no different than last years or the year before? Traveling to multiple Roblox games is a foundation for a bad event in my opinion.


Hey I got an idea for next years egg hunt. Instead of just deciding to make another devhunt like the years before please give people a poll to vote on first before you guys make your decision on what the next egg hunts gonna be


I indeed applied, good luck to all. Quite excited about this opportunity as always. This kind of thing can be absolutely a great experience if developers make exciting and fun experiences for people to play. Hopefully, It will be in this case. :heart:

YESSSS! That is such a good idea!


Part of the issue is that a game such as Great Yolktales requires a lot more devtime compared to Metaverse. I think the best way to handle it would be a feedback thread after Egg Hunt 2021 wraps up; a poll with some more general responses to overall gauge community opinions of the event then of course anyone who wishes can reply with more indepth feedback.

There could also be a second poll with two answers: should Egg Hunt 2022 follow the style of being a unique experience made for the event, or should Egg Hunt 2022 follow the style of being a Metaverse events with tons of developers creating isolated experiences for eggs?

A survey could also be sent out to users via Messages who participated. Much like the message to those who completed Agents of E.G.G. and received the FabergEgg of the New Decade, it could have some fun theming too it as well as offer perhaps one final egg as an incentive to take the survey. Offering some sort of reward could, however, potentially skew results as people may just put in random answers to complete it for the items. Therefore that may not be the best idea, and people who are passionate about egg hunts and events would most likely answer otherwise.

Either way it’d be great to have some sort of way to give direct feedback right after the event ends. Regardless, happy New Year everybody! Cheers to another great year of Roblox and hopefully another fun egg hunt even if it’s not quite what we’re wishing for. :slight_smile:


Exactly but for some reason the feedback that we give to roblox doesnt matter to them if it really did they would’ve listened to the community about EH 2020 and changed it up this year…

Well who knows? Maybe Roblox is listening to our replies instead of just sitting there. I guess we will know when this years egg hunt releases. Or when they give more details in mid January


This looks interesting! I might submit my game does it need to be well known or any?

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It can be also a new game. They mostly try to bring newer devs to the front with these kind of games. c:
I’m also gonna apply with a huge project I worked on straight now for 2 weeks.

If we submit our game what is a potential timeframe to get a response on whether we were accepted or not? On top of this will we get an email if we weren’t accepted?

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I honestly would be more okay if we even alternated between dev hunts and the amazing story based egg hunts. Like if it was every second year that we got a good egg hunt. That way, we’d get both, the dev hunts, and egg hunts. It would also allow more time for the main hunt to be developed.


hi, I want to participate in the development of egg hunting and also participate in that there!

Yeah, for now all we can do is wait and hope…

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