[0.7] Refinedblox - A Simple and Modern CSS theme, For the Roblox website

my goal is to make the roblox website look better.

:warning: it actually only support dark theme :warning:

Install it here: https://userstyles.world/style/9394/refinedblox

this theme include:

  • Custom color palette and font
  • Everything is rounded
  • Compatible with most extensions (tested with btroblox, rogold, roseal, ropro, roblox+)

Inspiration for the left navigation bar : Arathain


49 Likes, include some small fixes and improvements.


wow, this looks really cool!!
ill use it


W theme ngl :+1:


Looks really awesome! For some reason though it appears the site is a little bugged. (page shifted to the left)

This is happening in multiple browsers: chrome, arc

edit: update fixed this :slight_smile:


I plan to fix small screen related issues.

edit: to fix this just zoom out (ctrl + -).

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great theme, but can you please reduce the size of the navigation bar?

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ok, will do this for the next update.

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Cool theme, but in my opinion some of the pages elements (especially the home page) are way too spaced out

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Thanks for commenting,

What exactly is too much spaced in home page?

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The sidebar size is huge compared to the original

It also leaves a lot of empty space at the bottom which just feels weird imo


Nice theme. I have loads of concepts but can never figure out how to style web pages using extensions. Will def be using this.

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Is there a way you can fix it by any chance? Thanks.
1920x1080, 100% scaling
Plugins: RoGold, BTRoblox

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yeah I have that problem as-well


I will investigate this issue, thanks for reporting.

small screen compability very soon.

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V0.5 released! :tada:

  • Support for small screen (still a work in progress)
  • Navbar is smaller (it no longer take too much space)
  • Better UI
  • Fixed Catalog bug

Be Sure To Update!

now let me sleep.


Just updated and fixed my issues, thanks!

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Thanks for 100 installs :tada:

There’s cool stuff coming up next week. :grinning:

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can you add ads?

roblox without ads looks way too cursed for me
other than that, it looks good