Tickets have no ties to money besides the fact that you’re able to sell them to willing buyers over the currency exchange. If you buy tickets with robux, you have less money. If I have a thousand dollars and I buy a TV with it, I have less money. Sure, I can sell the TV back to somebody else who might be willing to pay the same amount for it, but if nobody is or I don’t sell it back, I own less money. Tickets are the same thing. They are worth money, but they are not money, so their worth is variable. Robux are money. There is a direct correlation between robux and money. There is not a direct correlation between tickets and money.
Let’s invent a crazy system: Roblox has come up with this new currency “waffles” and every user on roblox gets one waffle for every second they are logged in. The currency exchange now features waffles, and the rates for waffles to robux are in the thousands to one. You can sell your things for waffles if you want, but be careful, because the exchange rate is extremely volatile. Waffles are extremely easy to bot and farm. You can have 10 accounts keeping themselves logged in at a time for one day, and you will generate 864K waffles. You turn around and sell them in the currency exchange, and you could probably get 7 robux out of it. 10,000 R$ would buy you about 1.25 billion waffles. This is a hyperinflated currency. The numbers are big. There’s not really a reason to own any of it (like tickets.) New players can sell their small amounts of waffles for tiny fractions of robux at a time, and save up (over days of leaving their computer on all night) maybe enough to buy something small. This system resembles tickets in that there are no ties to money, there’s no reason to own any amount of the currency, you can’t get much from earning it and its purpose is confusing. Robux should not resemble this system in any way. The other closest thing to this was player points in 2014.
If there is no value in tickets, why would people care if you take them away? The fact that the currency exchange is always moving is evidence enough that people want tickets, otherwise the tickets would just sit there. Tickets are taken out of the system upon clothing purchases (preferable for users as people put them at R$10 or 100Tx) or on advertising. Could blame Roblox for their small worth by the lack of hats etc for sale in tickets, should more be made, there would be more perceived value in tickets.
Tickets provide a way for non-payers to obtain robux via the currency exchange. Getting tickets is a subtle way of earning robux from other people. There is always going to be some exchange rate. If absolutely nobody wanted tickets, the exchange rate would be infinite. If at least two people want tickets, the exchange rate goes into some balance between whatever those two people are willing to pay for them, for whatever reason they want to own them. Tickets just cause robux to be distributed a bit more. It might be neat if games were able to perform exchanges between users, where one user could sell something in-game to another user (and some percentage goes to the game owner) just to create another way of distributing robux, but that might be too much of a security hazard or just not important enough.
You just said it yourself, someone wants tickets or it would be an infinite rate. This means the F2P people, even if it a single person throwing their credit card at Roblox to get tickets, can experience anything that a paying user can in terms of purchasing.
No one wants to be in a game where people have a ton of money and you can’t even get yourself off the ground as you have no means to advertise or get money without forking over cash. Personally, I would have dropped Roblox soon after joining should there not have been a proper freemium model as it had when I joined.
Saying you can play all you want for free, but customisation is premium is silly. We have all see the stigma against ‘bacon hair people’
All of the “NBC are doomed with the removal of tickets! I would have quit if this had happened to me!” comments I’m seeing seem to either be “Removal of tickets means not enough customization for F2P players” or “Removal of tickets widens the gap for NBC developers”
The later isn’t even true, and regarding customization: push for UGC creations to be able to be given away for free. Much better alternative to F2P customization than re-introduction of tickets.
You assume that UGC is anytime soon. IE as soon as tix are removed.
You assume that UGC stuff may be given away for free
You assume that users will actually create content for this when we have no idea on what software will be used to create these things. If it is some strange new product that no one has used before, there will be a decent time between release and content actually coming in.
Can you explain why it doesn’t widen the gap? User A has BC and user B has no BC. User A and user B make identical games. User A can now dump money into advertisement and make more money than user B. User B cannot advertise as their parents don’t want to use their money for games. User B will be frustrated at the lack of ability to show their creation to anyone. User B leaves.
Would you rather spend 100 days, getting a penny every single day, to get a $1 pack of bubble gum for free, or would you actually put effort in doing something and get the dollar in less than a couple of days?
You guys are trying to rationalize the penny a day. I could throw together a free model game in like a day and sell a gamepass. I’m sure I’ll get at least one game pass purchase in less than a week. I bet I’d feel even more satisfied because someone liked something I made.
The reason why giving 1 robux per day won’t work because of inflation. It will never work. Let’s go back to that example. Instead of giving 1 penny a day, pennies don’t exist, and now everyone gets a dollar a day! Yeeeyyy! free money! who cares about those worthless pennies!
but wait. Now there’s so many dollars. oh no! the gum salesman isn’t getting anything because now dollars are worthless! It was much better the way it was before because then the gum salesman is happy and was getting money. time for change! Now gum costs $100!
That is literally how inflation works. If ROBLOX gives out one robux per day, item prices are going to skyrocket. If ROBLOX wanted people to customize their characters without restriction, then they would make every single item less than 10 robux. Heck, they might as well make every item free. This is not the case and it will never happen.
Prove this theory? No previous contacts, no money, nothing. Just make a free-model game in a day and release. Gamepass should sell at R$25 as that seems to be the rate at which people are saying it will cover the loss in tickets from visits.
We aren’t saying free for everyone, by having people login or visit or whatever, they are generating content for Roblox in terms of gameplay. Active users are vital for any multiplayer game and user retention is the key to successful multiplayer games.
Why are we focusing on players gaining individual success when roblox is a social gaming platform?
@Rukiryo and I made this for hack week last year in three days and got it to the front page on the fourth. A good idea can go a long way. You don’t need to carry your game on your back and ignore everyone else, you need to be working with other people if you want a successful game.
Five of the eight games on top earning right now were made by more than one person. This is not a coincidence. Teamwork is vital to success, even with tickets if you aren’t working with others you’re still going to have a very hard time getting on the front page.
I wouldn’t say roblox in three weeks is pay to play, but it’s gonna be a hell of a lot closer. Most of the basic part of roblox will be free, but forget about getting anything nice in a game(game passes, dev products), or cool stuff for your character(not a cruddy visor, a top hat+), or even getting into some games without paying money(paid access).
I can’t see roblox ever being pay to play, but I don’t think you could call it “free to play” without an asterix in the corner anymore.
The only way for a person who does not pay for robux to obtain robux would be if it came from another person. One medium for that is tickets. Another is making a game and selling things in it/drawing clothing, but that’s a bit of a jump. Perhaps there should be some other intermediate way of earning robux from other people.
The claim was that a game could be made within a day and sell. I am just ensuring that the experiment is based on new user joining Roblox that would not know people.
Again this was connections to people that attract a lot of other people that caused this to happen right? New users don’t have that network and may be turned away before they can even start.
My example never said that the games were of good quality, nor did I say it was impossible. New users with no development knowledge (which I am sure a lot of people here were at one point) are screwed over with this anyway unless they hand over cash.
I am going to leave it at this as clearly there are strong feelings on both sides and I don’t want to detract further from the thread.
Game passes and dev products are entirely up to the developer who made the game, not ROBLOX. If I wanted to have a game where you spend 5 robux just to take a step, I can. ROBLOX isn’t controlling anything.
Once again, clothing does not restrict you from playing any game. Regardless of what you’re wearing, games on ROBLOX are free to play.
That’s what the free items are for. New users wouldn’t be buying robux hats regardless. And like explained before, if they wanted to get anything decent, it would take months to aquire enough to purchase that. By that time, I’m sure they would either attempt to build a place or earn money somehow.
How far are you going to get with such a game? Maybe as a joke you’ll get two buyers. You won’t get any real amount of robux without a half decent game, and you wont be making one of those at age 13 six days after you join roblox. It’ll take a long time, and you’ll have to do it right so you can make money before you can even make badges or audio. If having any part of a game be free = free to play, then “free to play” means very little. Roblox has definitely moved away from free to play a bit, just not to pay to play yet.
Big difference between “you’ll be able to upload assets for free in the UGC” and “push for UGC creations to be able to be given away for free”
What? UGC isn’t a piece of software. Assets are still created in software of the uploaders’ choice. Clothing will continue to be created the way it always has been, and hats/packages/gear can be created in the uploader’s preferred modeling software.
You’re putting words in my mouth here. No I did not assume the UGC would happen as soon as tickets are removed. UGC assets will most likely happen after the removal of tickets. Does it suck that there will be a lack of customization options? Yeah. Is ROBLOX going to restore tickets because of it? No. They removed tickets in full knowledge of how it would affect customization. At this point, anyone who says tickets should be restored because of customization issues is beating a dead horse that ROBLOX already reviewed and discarded. Discussing the restoration of tickets for that reason is fruitless. The only way to improve F2P customization now is to suggest new implementations (not “revert the update!!!”).
NBC developers were already screwed with tickets – ROBUX-based advertising hardly makes a difference:
If anything, I feel there should be some kind of robux based reward for place visits. Something like 1 robux per 100 visits or something. Definitely not for login.
I don’t know how many times it’s been repeated that ROBUX is a currency intentionally tied directly to real-money purchases only. ROBUX is never going to be generated out of thin air.