[150k+] Hiring dev team

Logo Designer available Job? Because your hiring a Dev Team

I want to apply as a Builder. 3 Year Experience

R$40,000 - 75,000 = $98 to ~$184 USD to create a game, working “quickly” with “large hours” within a single month, with no option for royalties from, nor equity in the game?

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:man_shrugging: we however are not asking for exceptional devs, and are more then happy with aspiring ones. I would consider this however given the fact we have had over 25 applications i will not be raising the pay

Scripter position now filled

I would like to point you to your own post in the following thread: [CLOSED] Restaurant group looking for Scripters - #3 by LuaBearyGood. What happened to your seemingly fair attitude here compared to now? Just that the money would instead belong to you if it were to be successful?

Assuming someone is to work 4 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 weeks to complete your project then they would effectively be paid 0.87 cents to $1.64 an hour… Regardless of whether the position is filled, you have a moral duty to not scam people, esp. what is likely an adolescent or even child. You should at least consider short term royalties or an equity stake.


Where in this post does it say professional?

Also this game is going on a group where even a 1% equity stake would never be a feasible option for a non professional dev.

Don’t even bother arguing, I tried my luck at applying only to come to the conclusion that these guys have no idea what they’re doing. They expect you to singlehandedly finish a game within the span of a month that encompasses some pretty daunting features/tasks. Not saying these tasks couldn’t be done but not within the span of a month. I find it funny that they’re not looking for exceptional developers either to accomplish this considering the fact that no beginner-intermediate developer may produce exceptional quality within that short time span considering all the features. With all that being said stop trying to reason with the unreasonable.

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No clue what you mean by professional, has little relevance. The issue is that you’re attempting to make a significant amount of money from the work of others, whilst asking them to provide their services for peanuts and judging others on similar threads for doing the exact same. I’m not here to flame you, I was hoping that you may be able to take a step back and examine what it is you’re doing, and whether you truly think that it is acceptable. Whether you want to do that is completely up to you.


I think its acceptable to offer over 150,000R$ in payment to an aspiring developers, And you will notice on similar threads the payment is significantly smaller.

I am not forcing people to apply, nor expecting talented developers to get out of bed for these amounts, but it is an opportunity to make some cash, and work alongside a team.

Also please note

Payments are flexible.

As a programmer I know that it is 100% possible to complete given systems within aforementioned time frame. You are expected to work hard, and none of the tasks from my perspective is too daunting.

Also I only have 8 months programming experience so if it were not for my incredible one could say ‘luck’ on the platform I would most likely have taken this offer since even tho im not the best dev the systems are in every way possible.

As someone with a brain I can 100% assure you that the tasks you mentioned during our conversation are not necessarily achievable within a month… you claiming yourself to be a programmer doesn’t add much weight to it either because you’ve never made any of these systems so you have no clue the level of complexity and hard work that goes into making it, the only thing you’ve claimed to have made is an AI System which is relatively elementary stuff.


I can make all given systems within the game, if it were not for the fact the payment is not interesting to me I would have scripted it myself.

Not to mention the two other programmers that applied Both said the tasks were achievable.

You want me to state every single system I have ever made?
I was only giving you the systems I had already made which could be implemented into the game.

We made it very clear in the interview that if we hire someone they will make the systems in the timeframe and from the fact people agreed I think that is enough evidence that it is possible.

Also the fact you stated it would take a week to make a basic chassis system makes me really not value your views on timescale.

Yes, It would take a week or even a couple hours at max to make a basic chassis, my reason in saying so is due to the plethora of content and resources on such a thing as seen here:

It’s also worth mentioning that thinking you can make something is different from actually having made it. Just needed to point that out.

You can’t value my views on timescaling because you have no basic understanding of efficiently timescaling projects, like I said before you have no idea what you’re going on about and having been programming for 8 months just reassures me of how naive you are, well have a good one!


I’m very interested in a job like this.
Check out my portofolio!

Is all your work low poly?

can you work in a low poly style?



30 char 30 char 30 char

Hey, Im a 3 Year Builder, And seeking for this Job.

Looking at the game in question would not be worth at best me getting 60k for both map and modeling side. Good luck to who does apply wish you had a bigger budget good luck to you all.

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Yes, I fully agree with this statement, and I personally would not take those rates. However we do not have requirements based of how professional the applicant is, so hence the fact the pay is lower due to the fact we are directing this more towards aspiring developers, who may need sums of money for investment in their own projects and not the developer exchange :slight_smile: