[150K+ or 40% - 50%] Hiring Programmer

About Me

I’m Schubern on Roblox and
Games I have created / contributed to:

About The Job

I am looking for a scripter to program and work with me on a Simulator game.

  • Must have had experience with scripting a full game in the past
  • Must have a good understanding of Roblox API
  • Must have strong communication skills in English
  • Must have a strong work ethic


Pay will be negotiable. Est. 40% - 50% or a fixed amount.
If you do choose to do a fixed amount it is required you will fully script the game before you are paid. We also may require you to do a couple of updates for the game if necessary.

Contact Me

You can reply to this thread with your portfolio or contact me here on the Developer Forum.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

All assets for the game are nearly complete, but regardless of that everything is here in front of you for you to get started right away. I am expecting to release this game by the end of January. This is a very simple game, and it shouldn’t take too long to script.

Thanks for your interest and good luck! If you have any further questions, please leave them below and we’ll do our best to get back to you! If you don’t think you qualify, apply anyway!


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