16 Years of Roblox

You make great graphics! :smiley:


Thank you Root! I wasn’t expecting that!! :smiley:


Really interesting 10 years, those are definitely some nostalgic pictures too!


2009: Joined and spent hours playing beyblade by kelco101
2010: Spent hours playing Naruto shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 by Friaza
2011: Started building for a War clan
2012: Still working with the War clan
2013: Building awesome robot with UndeadW
2014: Started a Mirror’s Edge project
2015: Left ROBLOX
2016: Joined ROBLOX again and started a Parkour game.
2017: Got in devforum and QA tester.I went to RDC 2017 and my game has been realesed last month.
2018: I hope to get a bloxy for best use of R15 lol


What’s your game?

Runners’ Path

2008: LOTS of Forums and a certain, crushing, Speeding Wall
2009: Mad cuz no egg hunt
2010: First Obstacle Courses on Front Page
2011: Mad cuz no egg hunt, again?!
2012: Hunger Games
2013: Catching Fire
2014: Don’t Blink
2015: SXSW, RDC, and lots of irl
2016: Super Hiatus
2017: Work at ROBLOX
2018: Disaster Games, VentureLand, Rocket Runner, oh my!


i cant even remember what i did last week lol


How come your last and final Roblox game?

2011 Joined Roblox on November 8th on this account (August 13th on my first account. No clue why I made a new one.) Got interested in how games worked and how I could make them so I started taking free models and looking at how they worked, and changing things in them.
2012 Continued taking free models and experimenting
2013 Quit Roblox in early 2013
2014 Started playing Roblox again towards the end of 2014 to see many of my old friends had stopped playing, and that one of them had pass away. (Rest in peace Dadsmustang. I believe the account was given to his brother after)
2015 Continue scripting and making clothing (not very good clothing)
2016 Continued working on games, then joined Mailbox Games after meeting EndorsedModel, talking with him and trying to make a game with him
2017 Became the first Mailbox Games moderator on January 14th, Attended RDC, continuing to make scripts and UI on the side of college work as a hobby.


2008 Friend tells me about Roblox, joined, messed with Build mode for a bit, quit
2009 Rejoined, found out how to open Studio, free model everything
2010 Seriously start learning how to script and throw together weird maps
2011 Spent a ton of time in Studio, since I couldn’t play games anymore (unending error ID=17)
2012 ID=17, forevermore- oh hey, I can play again
2013 Figuring out how to do UI work in GIMP
2014 More building/scripting/UI practice…oh hey, my hard drive crashed (lost everything prior to 2012)
2015 First attempt to make games without using the default character
2016 Nominated into Devforums, work on rhythm game begins mid-September
2017 Still working on rhythm game, attempting to dabble slightly in other genres


2013: building like crap
2017: building less crappy


This sounds like fun, I’m also approaching the 10 year mark.

2008: Joined on a different “3089” account. I learned of Roblox through a friend on Toontown and jumped into Studio before playing much. Didn’t know what I was doing, but I had fun. Built hide & seek style games with free model “gamescripts”.
I loved playing games by Ajedi, Defaultio and Django.

2009: Messed around with building a house and moved onto my current account. I made the new longest obstacle course in Roblox and hit the front page for the first time! I followed that up with Marble Rider soon after.

2010: I met Alexnewtron and began messing around with some minigame style places, along with a car demolition game on a third account. Nothing took off besides Disaster Lobby.

2011: I began to get really into rollercoasters. I had always loved the work of Django136. I met starmarine and began learning how to build coasters. Here are a few of my old coasters.

2012: My friend Geico challenged me to make a Showcase to submit to EBR. I created The Wind and got into the group! I was really proud of this at the time.

2013: I took on more showcases. I released Roadrunner Canyon and Coastline Highway that year. I still really enjoy my rain atmosphere in Coastline Highway. I really want to revisit a showcase like that. I also end up meeting @badcc this year. I beg him to program my Tron lightcycle I built for an EBR race.

2014: I continue with showcases, building Crosswinds and Sundown. I released a sequel to Marble Rider. I ended the year by building the lobby for the Roblox Winter Games, with @badcc scripting the lift and other assets.

2015: I spent a large chunk of the year working on Port Gloom. It was my biggest project yet, with over 70,000 pieces and a quest minigame system. The rest of the year went to contract work under Roblox for what ended up being the launch of Roblox on mobile devices.

2016: While continuing to do work under Roblox (Roblox on Xbox), I team up with @badcc once again to make the ultimate Tron game. We called it Volt. The dynamic soundtrack (by @DTF, the custom models, the scripted cutscenes and game modes are all things I’m still really amazed by.

I ended up releasing a new Showcase too, Buena Vista. Still really proud of this one!

2017: Jailbreak. This is the year I could have never expected. I started the year off working on a Prison game, after playing Prison Life for a while with @badcc but wanting more out of it. Badcc ends up making some really fun-to-drive cars, and I jump into Blender for the first time to model some vehicle bodies. On April 21st, we released Jailbreak after a bunch of Twitter hype. I spent the rest of this year working on weekly updates all summer, and monthly ones after that. Jailbreak continues to do well and break records. It’s been a crazy year!


2010: I joined after my friend showed me the game (he always played as a guest and I hated that).

2011: I messed around a lot with free models and played a lot of tycoons (and minecraft).

2012: I discovered that sandbox building game and basically spent all year building stuff with my friends.

2013: I started designing logos and stuff for clans. I had a lot of fun this year with personal build servers, and I made some money managing and selling build tools for them.

2014: I started building and made some forts and stuff for my friends’ clans. I made bank off a player points game.

2015: I decided to make my own tycoon. It wasn’t original or successful at all, but I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t started with that game. I met @HenryDev and @ErickThePresident this year and end up taking a hiatus for about 6 months.

2016: I made a showcase and started working on some solo projects that never get finished. I ported the tycoon I made the previous year to Xbox and it hits the front page. I cashed out for the first time ever after that. Henry, Erick, and I made and released Roblox Run and it becomes our most popular game to date. @AlgyLacey and I worked on Island Empire together and it was a pretty big success.

2017: Henry and I are making Boardwalk Tycoon. We released it in June and peaked at #8 top rated. We’re hoping to finish it up soon. Roblox Run got featured on Xbox this summer too, which was super awesome.

2018: Henry and I are planning a new game for next year and we can’t wait to announce it. It’s gonna be awesome.


2007: Joined, piddled in studio
2012: Clans finally subsume most of my life when I become leader of Vortex Security
Late 2012: Over it
2017: Incubator, and then Internship, Scrumlord Millionaire


Although the vehicle collision gets on my nerves (can’t stop a criminal), I love the game y’all created. I even had to learn a little spanish to play Jailbreak, so I could understand what the kids in Jailbreak were shouting at me.

Helicopter lands, “ENTRA ENTRA!”, takes off, police shoot at us, helicopter lands at criminal base, “SALI SALI!”, helicopter flies away


Won’t go over all the details, but here is the main key points:

2008: Created my very first ROBLOX account. It would be a while before I EVER start developing, but this is when I joined the platform.
2009: Banned from ROBLOX on my first account due to someone on the same IP as me misusing the report system. Created this here account under the name “car1856” later that year.
2011: Left ROBLOX for Minecraft (a terrible choice on my end, which I’ve learned over the past couple years).
2013: Began playing ROBLOX again.
2014: Joined the war clan “Aureus Legion.” Slowly moved up the ranks and became one of the top officials.
2015: Name officially changed to DominusBluesteelus, became leader of Aureus Legion.
Early 2016: Aureus Legion disbanded.
Mid 2016: Began developing in ROBLOX Studio for the first time (way too late), beginning my first builds, which were submissions for berezaa’s Miner’s Haven.
Late 2016: Officially created the Ancient Greek Building Pack for BrokenBone’s Conquerors 3, became a moderator for berezaa’s discord, attempted first game build (which failed).
Early 2017: Left moderator position of ber’s discord to focus on developing.
Mid 2017: After trying for over a year, I finally got into the ROBLOX Developer Forums.
Late 2017 (Present): Have officially started my very own professional storyline writing ROBLOX business, am developing assets for a game by a very famous developer (idk that they want me saying who or what it is for yet so I’m not gonna), and am currently developing my very own horror game, Nyctophobia (expected release in 2018).

It definitely has been a hefty 9 years, i’ll give you that much. And although there are a few choices in the past I regret to this day, I am happy with the position I am at now tbh.


2007-2011: No idea what Roblox is
2012: The prospect of working on FIFA n+1 for one more year doesn’t sound enticing, @Gemlocker tells me that Roblox is weird and cool and I decide to join
2013: I know it’s crazy but let’s compute lighting for the whole world on CPU with voxels & SIMD
2014: This OGRE thing is getting on my nerves, let’s throw it out and build a new rendering engine
2015: Actually let’s also throw terrain out and build a new one
2016: If you squint hard enough, Roblox is Virtually indistinguishable from Reality
2017: I’ve been told working on lighting three hack weeks in a row is weird
2020: Still no idea what Roblox is. 10/10 would do it again.


2009: Joined, saw a download prompt, logged out and forgot about it

2010: Re-discovered roblox through one of the billions of flash game sites, joined a clan. Lied about knowing how to program a tank for my clan, they actually asked for one, so I started to learn lua. Fake it till you make it?

2011: Tried making a game. Made 2 sequels. None of the 3 were successful.

2012: Tried making games as part of a team. Failed. Entered a contest for the year’s winter game. Only 1 other contestant. Lost.

2013: Left roblox, started learning unreal, came back when devex came out

2014: Tried making a few more games, some alone, some with teams, all failed or didn’t release.

2015: Made Tiny Tanks. It sucked. Remade it to suck less. People liked it. Got a job as a contractor to work on gear. Did that for 5 months. Then I applied for the first incubator, got declined but I was offered a games team internship.

Noticed that everyone was showing up a week before I started, so I asked to start a week early. Showed up and started doing incubator stuff instead of games team stuff and everyone just kind of went with it. Dunno if that would fly today lol. Made tiny tanks again. This time it was good and it was included as a launch title on xbox. After the incubator I did a special internship under sorcus where I just worked on games. One game released and failed, the other one didn’t release. Also worked on a murder game in my free time, which never released.

2016: Got an internship on the gameplay team, did that for 6 months. Worked on apoc rising in my free time. Then I quit apoc. Then I went to college. Then I dropped out. Started RHS.

2017: Got another internship on the gameplay team. Did that for 6 months again. RHS released, it wasn’t very impressive. So we remade the guis. Then we did it again. Third time’s the charm. Also at some point I spent an entire month doing all nighters to make that game’s avatar editor. It’s all a blur really.

I also decided I wanted to try making a murder game again. So me and alex did that. Making games takes time. So I became a full time game dev. Then we scrapped everything in the murder game and did it again. Only had to remake it once this time - we’re getting better! And there’s a toy of me now.

2018?: RHS will continue trending to become a front page staple. KC needs work. And me and alex have a new game in the works. Can’t wait!


2010: A friend from school introduces me to Roblox when he comes over. I make thedeathmaster01. First game I play was Demolition Derby by @Ripull
2010-2011: Do nothing but play games really, I mess around in Studio but never really do anything
2012: One night I decide to learn how to script; I hop onto YouTube and start watching stickmasterluke’s tutorials. Later in the year I make Usering
2013: I make my first actual game, called Imagination. Makes no money but was fun to make
2015: My first Roblox event, make a custom place and it gets cancelled. Over the summer my newest game, Speedy Hunt, gets sponsored for the Minion Summer Games
2016: Made the place for the Endless Summer Cruise event. @AbstractAlex and @Sharksie were looking for a team to make Robloxian High School, I apply and join the newly created team.
2017: Robloxian High School releases in January, isn’t very popular so we continue to work on it, re-released in May and it is successful! Staying on the front page on popular and top earning easily right now, dorms will improve our ranking in both of these categories.
2018: Hopefully Robloxian High School stays popular and a desirable game.