17+ Experiences Can Add Support for Strong Language

I still need a question answered.

Can we get a censor / age checking service?

You see, one major problem currently is that 17+ games require ID verification and a lot of people don’t want to do that.

The verified 17+ users on Roblox is currently still rather… small and not very profitable for games.

I have plenty of friends who are already in their 20s but with whom I cannot test or play these games together because they either don’t want to or don’t really trust Roblox with their ID.

Uploading 17+ and 13+ versions of my game is a bit of an hassle.

Especially if I’ll have strong language in a game, I’ll have to completely remove any words or mentions of it in 13+ versions of said game including where you’d never see it, which is a lotta work for a single man.

Okay so hear me out.

I would love to have some sort of “censoring service” or a service that let’s me check if someone is verified.

I actually want my 17+ games to be playable by unverified users, but if the user is unverified or below 17, I’ll censor and reduce all the extreme content so it follows the 13+ guidelines.

If all of this can be done within the same experience it would make it much easier for people to enjoy and I’d have to do less work maintaining 2 copies of a game and can instead just script the whole censoring process in.

I really wish to hear something about this. :pray:


I like this. Sadly the people over at The Sims are doing the total opposite: going from risque trailers to not even being allowed to say the most minor of swear words in their Discord server—like ‘crap’.


FilterStringForUserAsync or something simular, use a word like “damn” or something
if it filters, they are <13

this can be inaccurate depending on what word u use or whatever, but when i test the word, i noticed 13+ users can mainly see it, i didnt test this method tho


This system is highly inaccurate and wouldn’t work.

Only verified 17+ players can join 17+ games and even if <17 users SOMEHOW could join the game, this would be a very inaccurate way to check if they’re old enough.

The problem also is, if I make a game 13+, I cannot even have strong language hidden in scripts or text that the user never sees because Roblox moderation scans through a game’s contents.

Even if I never show a <17 user any strong language, moderation will still detect strings of text hidden in the game files and moderate it.

So I either have to work extra hard on 2 games, one being 17+ and one being 13+ or I have to lock out a lot of users and let them miss out on a quality experience.

I just wish Roblox had a censoring/age checking service so I can have different age groups in the same game and just censor/hide content for those who are not verified.

It would be the best of both worlds.
17+ content for those old enough, accessibility AND profit.


I thought you meant something else, mb idk what i was thinking of when i replied that


I think there is a Roblox article on the devforum that states its allowed as long as its not accessible or viewable by your audience.


Can we swear against inanimate objects that don’t represent people or types of people?


This is awesome. Swear words amplify expression a lot. I do wish you were able to use swear words directed towards npcs/players in terms of cutscenes. Couldn’t ask for more though.


Ok. This is epic. I just hope there is no going overboard on the bans, which would need context on the chat between me and someone with whom I am chatting.

Edit: What about voice chat?


Someone make non-theft bloxy (no not gta) a real thing please.

that’s cool, although i do remember roblox being a kids platform? like what if kids just bypass the 17+ barrier by using their mothers ID or something?

I would love to have such RatingService or CensorService with not only detecting 13+ or 17+ but also unverified vs verified 13+ which I can let the player see s### or a## (if it’s not towards an individual or group) but not f### while they are not allowed to say any of the swear words in the chat. They should allow us to have special string control too, and maybe utilize the same thing as they do with translations?

Meanings can change (which can be specific to 13+ players or not) a lot with a word replace so changing a whole string is important.

I want to make a game where it’s not only “realistic” because of the swear words but meaning and individual engagement changes based on age group.


Bruh they add strong language but not a single chat update for consoles? like why at least add text chat to consoles

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I am sorry but is this a unfunny joke?

I would certainly be hoping that the Roblox Moderators are informed that 17+ experiences are allowed to have swearing.


I think it only allows the F and S word


It seems that Roblox moderators and the moderation bot don’t know about this yet and aren’t updated. This is kinda bad


You kind of did that to yourself. On the bottom of the topic, it states;

So you were not wrongfully flagged.


What? The game was literally a baseplate and a spawn. Nothing else. I was just testing out new features on that game. I never mentioned anything about having a inappropriate asset in game.

The ban reason literally says I got banned for my game not having a chat filter, which was because I had strong language enabled on the Creator Page.


Was baseplate test actually tagged for +17 so it wold only show up in the +17 section or did you just do this on a regular public test server? Otherwise, I would have been banned too because I was churning out banned words non-stop as I posted a screenshot of it earlier in this topic. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Complain to Microsoft, they don’t allow a chat service on Xbox. :neutral_face: