17+ Games should allow for profanity

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to fully engage 17+ experiences without allowing 17+ users to express themselves using profanity; as profanity can be an important part of communication, especially with the age groups these experiences target.

Profanity and obscene language can be used to express emotion within a conversation, it is an expression of people and is not always used in a condescending tone.

Profanity could be used in both a good and a bad way; and I argue that more people use profanity in an positive expressive manner than in a derogatory manner.

Roblox recently added a dynamic heads feature to allow players to express themselves more freely through emotion, and the same goes for the use of voice chat; so why not extend that onto vocal patterns such as profanity within conversations.

With the release of 17+ experiences on the Roblox platform, profanity within these experiences should also be allowed, especially taking into account that alcohol and soon to be dating is allowed in these experiences.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it would allow myself and other developers to tailor 17+ experiences to be more appealing to other users as well as encourage 17+ users to interact within these 17+ experiences.

It is also important to take into account, many users opt to use alternative methods of communication (i.e Discord) to communicate freely rather than Roblox due to the constant warnings and bans attributed to voice chat conversations (with many of them being entirely innocent, just using profanity within conversations).

Thank you



or purley because the whitelisted variations leak into normal words in other languages which gets annoying


I like how you backed it up with scientific sources and I honestly agree.

It may be dirty language but it does certainly have it’s value and usecases.
I’m sometimes quite a bit of a potty mouth in person (usually when mildly frustrated), more so than online.

Honestly, 17+ games should allow a whole range more than just profanity.

17+ games at the moment really just feel like 13+ games but with more realistic violence allowed.
The rating feels like a joke at the moment and considering it also cuts your game off from a major audience due it’s strict ID verification requirements which doesn’t make it feel very appealing to use yet.


Profanity is unnecessary and communicating using it is even worse.

This is exactly why I think minimal profanity should be allowed in 13+ experiences (with voice chat enabled), and the whole Roblox community should agree with this non-subjective data.

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Profanity is coming to 17+ experiences hopefully later this year; this was mentioned a few times at RDC and it’s even on the roadmap:


OP provided multiple sources supporting their claims, where’s yours?
Are you going to address said sources?
Why is profanity unnecessary?


I was being HALF sarcastic with most of that statement. 13 years old is when most people start cursing, and it’s normal for games to allow swearing over voice chat. Roblox is planning to add stuff like this anyway. Profanity is unnecessary to me as

  1. I was taught when I was younger that swearing was bad, people have had different experiences though.
  2. There are other and better ways to communicate anyways, especially since kids are sneaking onto voice chat and I don’t want to swear in front of random people.
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Ah, I see. I didn’t really sense much sarcasm in your original post lol.

And anyway, you put it best…


People have different beliefs and opinions from you.

You don’t have to swear, but that doesn’t mean you should be trying to stop others from doing so.

never actually heard a child on voicechat

Clearly you’ve never played a game that specifically revolves around voice chat (ie the assorted voice chat hangouts that popped up when voice was first added)
A good third of the players at minimum sound suspiciously like children (and have the maturity of children based on how they act, to say the least)

This post is aimed at 17+ experiences rather than 13+ ones.


I wasn’t being sarcastic when I said it should be allowed in 13+ games (or voice chat in general), just my opinion but they already swear, no problem from me.

I wasn’t trying to stop others from doing so, sorry if it sounded that way. I just said it’s unnecessary.

We’re enabling the ability for 17+ experiences to add support for strong language. You can read more here.


Thank you very much! This is a great change and is much appreciated!

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Hello, Starnamics. I 100% agree with you on this. Congrats, and thanks for persuading Roblox to add this feature!

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