2 Characters For 1 Client

Place: 2 Player Demo - Roblox (Open sourced)

Last month, RBXKyle made a co-op game thing, and I wanted to see if I could make something better, after I got a second controller for my new NVIDIA tablet.

Controls for player 1: W, A, S, D, Space, Thumbstick (Controller 1), A (Controller 1)
Controls for player 2: Up, Left, Down, Right, , Thumbstick (Controller 2), A (Controller 2)

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02wau_RhL1A Created the whole thing in about 5 hours, and I more just did it to see if I could do it. If anyone has a use for it, go ahead and further develop this.

Very smooth, especially in comparison to RBXKyle’s. I tried his out, but the second character just moved 4 studs, froze, moved again, froze, and so on. I can see why you wanted to try to improve it. One thing I noticed when using yours is that it seems neither player had priority, so that’s a good sign!

The one downside is that it seems that camera is locked into an annoying orientation. RBXKyle’s had the same problem. Just in general, no one camera angle is sufficient. People want to look around & get a complete grasp of what’s around them.

If you’re taking suggestions, and this is really a guess, try making the camera follow the characters at an angle most of the time. I would say the only time a top-down makes sense is if two characters are walking in opposite directions. Having a cool dynamic camera might be a good feature, and it might be worth including in other games, too. :slight_smile:

It would be cool if down the line, roblox added split screen support. I love multiplayer split screen games. When you play online, you can chat and all, but it doesn’t really feel social in the same way videogames in the same room are. That said, if we have one player log in on behalf of 4 screens, there’s probably a lot of work to update games to support this. If we have 4 players log in for 4 screens, ROBLOX does all the work, but it would be HARD. Everything is coded with having 1 player per computer in mind, so we couldn’t expect it for years.

This is a math type thing I don’t want to get into at this point in time. The place is open sourced if you want, but I think I will pass on further development.

Very smooth. The problem in mine was the fact that Player2 wouldnt move for the first 2 minutes. Try implementing a combat element like mine had. The 2d camera in yours isnt great, try doing one more like mine as that looks better really for this kind of game. Overall a nice expansion on mine, but with a few flaws (Just as mine has).

I found a weird bug with Roblox’s Gamepad Support the other day.
Apparently input will still be accepted, regardless if you aren’t focused on a window.
I fired up 16 clients, and this is the result:

@Maximum_ADHD It’s like the cherry power-up in Super Mario 3D World :smiley:

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