2 Free Realistic Flipbook Particle Explosions

Demo in studio (with LightEmission & influence set to zero)

Here are the particle FXs! You do not need to credit me at all. Feel free to use it in any game or project in whatever way you want.

Fx 1:

Fx 2: link
The file is too large so I put it on Google Drive.

Roblox AssetID links:
1 - Images/Untitled-1_1024x1024 - Roblox
2 - Images/Untitled-1_1024x1024 - Roblox


  • Using this tutorial I rendered the explosions in blender. I’m not going to get into with how to do it really (you’ll probably need to know how to use blender and you can also find other tutorials easily). I used Cycles and made sure the scene was rendered with a transparent background Also, I rendered it as a MP4.

    • It’s probably a good idea to render the scene itself with the final resolution and aspect ratio in mind, as the way I did it led to image artifacts that are somewhat noticeable if you look hard enough. I did not do this.
  • Convert the video frames into photos. I did this personally with Adobe Media Encoder Before doing this, you should crop the video to a square so that the explosion is well within the frame and it fits the ending contact sheet without warping. I did 512x512 personally. Also, you should crop the video to the “end” of the explosion so that there aren’t too many unnecessary frames.

    • After doing that, find the framerate for whatever fits the sprite sheet you will end up making best (8x8 sheet and ~15 fps ended up working for me). Delete all the unnecessary frames after you are done, and cull any extras that remain.
  • 3rd – Using Adobe Photoshop and this plugin, I imported all the images as an animation then turned them into a sprite sheet using the plugin (available under File → Scripts menu as “Spritesheet Generator”.)

    • This step probably took me the longest to figure out. I tried a bunch of different sprite sheet generators and ended up using Photoshop’s default contact sheet automation tool, which was a misstep on my part. Long story short, it should work for any sprite sheet, but if you’re rendering something where the object is surrounded by transparent pixels, it will cut those pixels out and resize the non-transparent pixels to fit the frame. This ended up causing the explosion to start out large and shrink, which was the opposite of what I wanted to happen.

Voila! There is your sprite sheet. Honestly, these aren’t very good in the end and there are plenty of people who could do it better. I’m making them open source though, for people who are lazy (like me) and also to save people from the mental toil of trying to figure this out on your own.

I might re-render the explosions in the native resolution of the final sequence of images so there arent any compression artifacts. But I’m lazy, and my pc sucks :upside_down_face:


Very useful resource, thank you for making this! I was just recently in need of good explosion particles.


will you be making more of these?


Thank you for this resource, not only for sharing new flipbook textures for aspiring vfx developers, but for showing your creative process to guide others. Best wishes and many thanks. :pray: :slightly_smiling_face:


100% using this in my VR framework, this looks sick and I think would add something awesome to the game.