Sometimes when I join my game, it freezes for ~20 seconds. Other times, this doesn’t happen, and the game loads almost instantly. I have not found a way to reliably reproduce the problem. My game uses StreamingEnabled with the default settings so it should not be an issue of the world being too large.
I checked the microprofiler. The freeze is happening before any of my client side Lua has a chance to be executed, so the freeze cannot be caused by any client-side Lua.

The tasks that it freezes on are “Replicator ProcessPackets” and “Worker::runJob.” What do these mean, and what direction should this point me in identifying the source of the lag?
If the lag isn’t happening constantly every time you join up a game, then maybe it’s your computer? Sometimes a computer can act up but sometimes it can be fine.
Unfortunately, this same intermittent lag issue is being experienced by players and the other developer working on the game.
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Have you got a bunch of unanchored, ‘CanCollide on’ parts somewhere? Could be contributing to it, especially if there a bunch
I’ve got 11. So that shouldn’t be an issue.
Edit: Which I’ve just realized is probably not even map parts, it’s my character parts.
This hang on join is a known issue that is under investigation.
This issue has been fixed in the latest client release.
Hopefully this is related to some server-scripts not firing PlayerAdded due to this issue. (Now that it’s fixed.)