Team Create + | Plugin For Team Create

Team Create +

Dev Forum Post - GitHub - Plugin


Team Create + is a plugin for giving more options when using Team Create.


There are many uses for Team Create +. My favorite is the Faces Feature! It makes your Team Create orb look like it has the face of any decal you choose


You can set a “Status”, which is a piece of text that shows below your nametag to explain what you are doing. Also customizable!


you can also add hats to your Team Create Orb, using your orb as the Accessory’s Handle.


you can go ahead and prank your friends using this feature (if you have any)
You can spawn alot of Fake Players and keep your friends awake at night thinking they just met builderman. (do not impersonate others if not everybody is cool with it)

you can also blur everyone’s vision too!


You can also adjust settings and view your license data. I built a system that detect when the plugin needs to be updated.

There is more to be added. Please try out the plugin, and expect bugs. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and tell me how it is?


This is pretty cool! I might’ve tried it if I had friends :frowning:

Anyways, I think it would be cool if you could have that new face tracking feature with those dynamic heads (not saying you should add it but I was just thinking of that in my head).

That’s gonna be useful if I ever have anyone wondering what I’m doing if I seem AFK.

That’s pretty cool :star_struck: Nothing else to say!

Cool lol. That’ll keep a dev team engaged


yeah i dont think u can use face tracking feature in studio rn :confused:


Dang, well overall pretty cool plug-in! I’m not very good at expressing emotions thru text so sorry if this sounds sarcastic.

Hope you can’t set it to math.huge lol


Thanks a lot, this is really useful.

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i wish, but unfortunatley, the max for that lighting effect is 50

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You could check if the input is over a certain amount (since I assume you are calculating and setting the blue amount).

if amount >= a_reasonable_amount then
-- rest of your logic

Dunno but I’m pretty sure you can just delete the blur soooo yeah.

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Yeah. It is very possible. I might also just add a button that clears all blur effects in place. Also, the actual blur effect in Lighting’s size cannot exceed 50, so if it is greater than 50, it automatically just puts it to 50.

oh i just realized, i made a mistake in my message. the limit fot that is 50, not math.Huge. I edited the post

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Hey, can you fix this bug? Whenever I go into first person, my character automatically walks without touching the keyboard, and also when I exit Roblox Studio, the face image is still here.

this is the best plugin ever

BlockQuote Extra Letters Here Omgggggggggg

I’ll work on it. Temp fix for now u can make the FakePlayer in terrain uncollidable

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