2D Clothing Not Showing, When Trying Out an Item on Catalog

My Friend is having an issue that happens while trying on itens on the catalog

Basically what happens is that everytime he clicks the “Try-on” button to try an acessorie his 2D clothing disappears from his avatar, just like the video bellow

Since this is both a catalog and avatar issue i decided to label it as avatar
If its a issue that only happens to him, his username is shown in the video, but just incase his user is @hero82727

That issue make checking if the avatar combines impossible on the catalog.

Expected behavior

The 2D clothing to get properly shown while trying on itens at the catalog


I also made a bug report on this (crazy I made the bug report an hour after this one) but it’s happening to everyone pretty sure due to the https://avatar.roblox.com/v1/avatar/render API endpoint not correctly rendering the classic shirts/pants.

Just know he’s not the only one experiencing the issue!

Thank you for the report. This is an acknowledgement message. We have assigned to our team for further review.