2DEmitter - Create beautiful UI particles

This is made in 2 days, please let me know if there is any other bugs!
Please don’t claim this module as yours, you can give credits if you want ^^

Also please don’t mind my poor writing and teaching skills.


Roblox Model:

RobloxGitHub Youtube

Interesting. Also, have you lag tested it yet?

Yeah I did, 100 is the maximum amount.

I’ve tested it on my oldest laptop with 200 MB in built graphics card and 2 GB ram.
Working fine.

I have recorded this video on my other laptop with 4GB ram and 300 MB in built graphics card.

Nice. Planning on optimizing it?

Yeah, I currently have exams so I’ve rushed this module.
I will improve it alot when I get the time.

Thank you!

Can u put source code on github so people on mobile can see the source?

Sure! I’ve updated it, you can check.

I think he did
look at “GitHub”

Yeah he did after my suggestion. Also thx @Synitx for uploading source, i can really learn a lot from this!


How do we set a custom image for the particle??

local MouseParticles = Particles2D.new(UDim2.fromOffset(MouseLocation.X, MouseLocation.Y))
		Size = 4,
		LifeTime = Vector2.new(100, 200),
		Speed = 1,
		Spread = true,
		Amount = 8,
		SetParticleType = Particles2D.ParticleType.Custom,
		ID = "Mouse"


Go to custom folder create a new module and type the following.

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

return function(properties)
	local particleElement = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
	particleElement.Image = "rbxassetid://6119272027" -- Image Id

     local particleTween = tweenService:Create( -- This tween will do nothing, if theres no tween provided then it will show error.
			BorderSizePixel = 0
	return particleElement, {particleTween}, {DefaultTweenEnabled = true}

Soon Ill make it support particle emitters when i get time from school and commissions.
Sorry for not making an option to set image of the particle, I’ve made this module in rush.

It still isn’t doing anything :confused:

local MouseParticles = Particles2D.new(UDim2.fromOffset(MouseLocation.X, MouseLocation.Y))
		Size = 4,
		LifeTime = Vector2.new(100, 200),
		Speed = 1,
		Spread = true,
		Amount = 8,
		SetParticleType = Particles2D.ParticleType.Custom		

Can you show me your mouse module in custom folder?

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

return function(properties)

	local particleElement = Instance.new("ImageLabel")
	particleElement.Image = "rbxassetid://5155205268" -- Image Id

	local particleTween = tweenService:Create( -- This tween will do nothing, if theres no tween provided then it will show error.
			BorderSizePixel = 0

	return particleElement, {particleTween}, {DefaultTweenEnabled = true}



Change it to ParticleType

To make your background transparent set it to 1

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Ok that seemed to fix it :+1: :smiley:

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Should I rewrite it and make it support particle emitters?

(ill do it, only if the poll gets enough votes)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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