30 Character limit moderation

DevForum has a 30 character limit.
I entered ‘30 chars’ today to bypass 30 characters. I think everyone is doing it. (I’ve done this many times before)

But today, boom. My reply was moderated.

(So ​​far, replies with ‘30 chars’ have not been moderated.)

This is unfair! Why was my reply moderated? how to bypass?

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Uhh… I’m not sure, but doesn’t this belong in the devforum feedback/discussion category?

I can’t find devforum feedback category…


The category is called ‘Forum Feedback’, you should be able to see it, even very new devforum members can post there.

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I think they are starting to actively moderate posts with “30 charrrrrssss” because it is generally low quality posting. I got one of those feedback messages about my posts that were many months old forgotten deep somewhere on the forum. And all of my posts that got moderated had “30 chars” at the end.

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In this case, I don’t think I can write any more.

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I think it’s like a russian roulette. on some posts about topics with no replies, I answered “it’s just bad luck”, and added htmls to bypass the limit, and those posts weren’t removed yet. Guess they’re next.
If you wonder what are the htmls, it’s the <html> text that gets hidden when you post, but all the characters are still counted

I didn’t expect to be able to write HTML on the forums, thank you.

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Just to be very clear these posts fill up the forum with spam and degrade the quality of the forum. For the past week I have been going out of my way to flag every post on the forum made in the past 24 hours which bypasses the character limit in the hope people may learn from it and the quality of the forums Will improve


If it’s shorter then 30 characters and cannot be said with the heart button I reccomend you DM them since this has a 10 character requirment

I would like people who were in this same situation to see the reply

In that case it’s not too much effort to provide further information or simply word it more effectively given this is a forum not discord.

I would suggest deleting the model, however it could also be an internal error in your scripts

It sounds stupid but you could have also provided a step by step guide of how to delete models

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Do not do this. Bypassing the 30 character limit by inserting characters that will eventually appear invisible (HTML tag spam or HTML comments) can also be flagged for spam. All posts should be 30 characters or more. I’m sure you’re capable of writing a response that long. If not, you probably shouldn’t be posting it in the first place and instead using either a PM (10 characters minimum) or the like button.

You have apparently not searched the forum, we have too many topics on that at the moment.

Extend the sentence. Like:
Just delete the model from your game.

Posts are dealt with on a case-by-case basis as they are flagged by the community. If you see similar posts violating our rules, please feel free to flag them for us to handle.