NBC taxes I can understand since they are using the service for free and shouldn’t really make R$ with limited features. BC to OBC users are going to because they are paying for the service to get a reduction to the market and other features that would make selling things viable.
this just happened
Still says 30% for me.
Oh… you got me pumped for a second.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)
And the problem reveals itself. Roblox gains revenue through ROBUX purchases, and pays a portion of that revenue out through DevEx. Increasing the DevEx rate (also done by lowering tax, as you point out), takes a chunk out of their revenue and decreases their budget. This is also true with the tax in general. Lower tax = less net revenue because less reason to buy Robux. That budget is currently being used, so it’s not free money.
(post deleted by author)
This is major for myself. I don’t want to keep loosing out on membership days and extra costs when I only make 1x100k and don’t want to keep changing my membership. Now every user has 200 places there is no reason what-so-ever to have OBC unless you’re a group nut and making 500k+ every few months to cashout. There is nothing to lead users to buy OBC/TBC anymore.
I will always buy BC because it’s just everything I need, 70% income and a few extra groups. It’s the golden membership for my status and I’m annoyed that 2 years later “never charge the developer” still hasn’t gone into affect. We are quick to increase RBX Dev exchange rates but aren’t quick enough to entice and support developers of all levels and all backgrounds and different levels of income.
Dev Ex to me (at this moment in time) is a shamble because of the high costs involved and money movement. Users that say “it’s only 19.99” don’t understand international payment fees, extra cost in downgrading membership after and it quickly piles up to make it not worth it.
I’d be more than willing to allow for a system like
BC can cashout at 500k - yearly members only
TBC can cashout at 250k - yearly members only
“MY DEV EX TIMES” are a valid and also a invalid argument imo because if that’s an issue we shouldn’t be restrictive of forward movement but rather get more horse power to power all the developers that are using the platform - not the ones that can afford to chuck hundreds and hundreds at the platform before they see £50 come back.
BC memberships are no longer for function, they are just for status “LOOK I’M PAYING MORE MONEY THAN YOU TO ROBLOX” but everyone gets 200 places so the only difference is that TBC/OBC have extra groups and a bit more R$ daily which is nothing in terms of development. All three memberships (imo) need to come down in price to reflect those changes.
In a nutshell, ROBLOX should be powering every developer, they are contributing to the platform to make it great and for users to enjoy good games. At the moment I feel like the slogan is incorrect “ROBLOX, powering developers that pay the OBC membership”
i’m ready to get attacked
I agree with this. Though it is unlikely that this taxation will ever be lowered due to the fact that there is not enough people supporting this for Roblox to deliberately lower their profit gain, I do think the tax should be lowered to at least 20%, if not, 15% because at the moment, Roblox gets too big a cut from sales.
For example, if you do not have any from of Builders Club, Roblox will tax you 90% of any sales! This is absolutely outrageous and should be changed.
Developers are only a very small minority of the Roblox playerbase though. These tiered memberships make sense when you remember that 60R$ is a considerable amount for the average player who got a Roblox gift card for his birthday.
(sorry for the bump)
This is still ridiculous. Roblox has to pay people but they’ll get a steady income no matter what - more money is spent going into these robux than coming out. Moreover, all the robux will eventually make their way back to a developer who is willing to dev ex, so I do not think a 30% fee is warranted. This transaction is going towards placing funds into a group - there’s no real purchase happening, I’m effectively giving the money to myself. I think there should be some sort of scaling that takes place for developers who move the platform forward - if devs get less of a tax, it’s more incentive to move the platform forward. Not to mention devs make up about 2% of the playerbase, so they wouldn’t be losing that much, just helping those that helped them.
I think this should go on a different feature request – one about putting funds in a group without market fee, or one about directly purchasing things you want to buy through the group with your personal funds instead. (there are feature requests for both of these things) I don’t think you can make a case for entirely removing market fee with just this use case.
You’re right - that isn’t a legitimate reason to bring down the marketplace fee (it should be a feature request though) - I think that what really matters is that when devs make games that promote the platform they get paid a fair amount for the revenue they bring in for the platform. Without devs, roblox wouldn’t be roblox, so it’s certainly necessary to give the devs who promote the platform equal compensation for their work.