Robux Converter [Chrome extension]

Robux Converter

Discord Server

Robux Converter


Simple extension for chrome to convert Robux

Support My Work

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Source Code


	"name": "Robux Converter",
	"description": "Converter robux to another value",
	"version": "1.0",
	"manifest_version": 3,
	"content_scripts": [{
		"matches": ["*"],
		"js": ["script.js"]


function GetElement(callback) {
	const robuxElement = document.getElementById("nav-robux-amount");
	if (robuxElement) { setTimeout(callback, 0, robuxElement); return; }
	const navbarElement = document.getElementById("navbar-robux");
	if (navbarElement == null) { return; }
	const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
		const robuxElement = document.getElementById("nav-robux-amount");
		if (robuxElement) { observer.disconnect();  setTimeout(callback, 0, robuxElement); }
	observer.observe(navbarElement, {childList: true});

GetElement((element) => {
	let value = parseInt(element.textContent);
	switch (element.textContent.substring(element.textContent.length - 2)) {
		case "K+": value *= 1000; break;
		case "M+": value *= 1000000; break;
	value *= 0.0035;
	element.textContent += " ($" + value.toFixed(2) + ")";

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

How to Install

Place the manifest.json and script.js into a folder then enable developer mode in chrome://extensions/ press Load unpacked and select the folder

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Robux Converter


Doesn’t BTRRoblox already do that for you in a more convenient way?

It’s also worth noting that robux is now 1 robux per cent.


Yes there are many extensions that already do this

I personally was looking for something light weight and open source

so I made this and shared it for anyone else that would like to use it

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Oh for light-weight purposes. Got it.

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Thank you for another great resource!

After some problems, I was able to get this running on Firefox.

Community (group) fund conversion could be a useful update, but it’s element does not have an id, which makes it a bit more complex.

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