Robux Converter [Chrome extension]

Robux Converter

Discord Server

Robux Converter


Simple extension for chrome to convert Robux

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Source Code


	"name": "Robux Converter",
	"description": "Converter robux to another value",
	"version": "1.0",
	"manifest_version": 3,
	"content_scripts": [{
		"matches": ["*"],
		"js": ["script.js"],
		"run_at": "document_start"


function SetElement(element) {
	if (element.textContent.slice(-1) == ")") return;
	let value = parseInt(element.textContent.replaceAll(",", ""));
	if (isNaN(value)) return;
	switch (element.textContent.slice(-2)) {
		case "K+": value *= 1000; break;
		case "M+": value *= 1000000; break;
	value *= 0.0035;
	element.textContent += " ($" + value.toFixed(2) + ")";

function SetElements(elements) {
	for (const element of elements) {
		if (element.nextSibling.textContent.trimEnd()) SetElement(element.nextSibling); else SetElement(element.nextSibling.nextSibling);

const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
	for (const mutation of mutations) {
		switch (mutation.type) {
			case "childList":
				for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
					if (node.nodeType == 1) setTimeout(SetElements, 50, node.querySelectorAll('span[class*="icon-robux-"]'));
			case "characterData":
				let element = ( ? :;
				if (element.previousElementSibling && element.previousElementSibling.className.includes("icon-robux-")) SetElement(element);

observer.observe(document, {childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true});

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

How to Install

Place the manifest.json and script.js into a folder then enable developer mode in chrome://extensions/ press Load unpacked and select the folder

Other Projects

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Suphi’s Linked List Module
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Suphi’s RemoteFunction Module
Robux Converter


Doesn’t BTRRoblox already do that for you in a more convenient way?

It’s also worth noting that robux is now 1 robux per cent.


Yes there are many extensions that already do this

I personally was looking for something light weight and open source

so I made this and shared it for anyone else that would like to use it


Oh for light-weight purposes. Got it.

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Thank you for another great resource!

After some problems, I was able to get this running on Firefox.

Community (group) fund conversion could be a useful update, but it’s element does not have an id, which makes it a bit more complex.

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is it open source?


I believe 1 R = 0.0035 USD is the devex rate

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Oh devex. I forgot about that. Thanks for correcting me.

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oh srry lol

Suphi Cooking As Always .
Good Luck

That is what I needed

Suphi on Top

Hi, a question. Does this Google extension also support conversion to other currencies? I mean, because not all of us use US dollars.

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Was this made as an indirect way to flex how rich you are? :sweat_smile:

Yes you can set to any rate you like

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You can modify the extension to have any amount of roblox you like

So it is possible to change the rate to the fictional tix currency (well not fictional, just got deleted)
So 2 robux = 40 tix i could do that with the extension?
(by changing the rate and the $ to Tix)

also which button allows me to install the files

yes simply change 0.0035 and $ to anything you like

turn on developer mode and press load unpacked and goto the folder with the 2 files

once its installed you can turn developer mode off again

i think u should buy some outfit bro as u have that robux :smiley:

Dude, I think he has Robux, since he has 7M+ Place Visits.

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